qr code on the left or on the right
color-coded depending on the type of poster
refactorisation for easier use
LaTeX Implementation of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RwJbhkCA58&t=1s
Original powerpoint at https://osf.io/g6xsm/
Portrait version of Mike Morrison's Better Scientific Poster idea. Built on landscape version developed by Rafael Bailo (https://github.com/rafaelbailo/betterposter-latex-template).
This is the beamerposter theme I hacked together for my poster presentation – enjoy!
Possible paper sizes: a0, a0b, a1, a2, a3, a4.
Possible orientations: portrait, landscape
Font sizes can be changed using the scale option.
Three colour themes available (you create your own!)
This is the beamerposter theme I hacked together for my poster presentation – enjoy!
Possible paper sizes: a0, a0b, a1, a2, a3, a4.
Possible orientations: portrait, landscape
Font sizes can be changed using the scale option.
Three colour themes available (you create your own!)
An event poster with a simple layout, courtesy of beamer. Try scanning the QR codes with a scanner app (e.g. "Scan" on iOS; "QR Droid" on Android and see what happens!