Williams College CHEM Thesis Template
Ben Augenbraun
Last Updated
5 months ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis template for use by honors students in the Williams College chemistry department.
\documentclass[12pt,oneside]{book} %change to oneside for final printing
\usepackage{mymacros} % This is a file where you can save your own custom LaTeX commands. Very useful! I put a few sample commands in that file for you already.
% You can import other packages to make your life easier. For examle, the packages that I've loaded below provide very useful math symbols, and also alter the appearance of the document to look nice.
% Set document formatting for a nice, standardized look:
% Some packages related to figure inclusion:
% This package makes your references and citations clickable, for easy navigation around the PDF file.
% And now your thesis document begins!
\frontmatter % This is anything that comes before chapter 1.
\include{./Chapters/TitlePage} % Each file is included using the \include{} command. You can comment out an entire chapter by putting a % symbol in front of that chapter's include statement. That can be nice if you are working one some bit of your thesis and don't want to wait for the whole thing to compile.
\mainmatter % Main matter starts with Chapter 1 and continues until your appendices.
\include{./Chapters/Introduction} % Each chapter is included on its own, just like above.
\appendix % Finally, any appendices you want to include start here.
\backmatter % After appendices comes your bibliogrphy, which makes up your backmatter.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} % Make sure your bib is included as a chapter in the table of contents