% Load the VUB package.
% This has many options, please read the documentation at
% https://gitlab.com/rubdos/texlive-vub
% Some highly suggested packages, please read their manuals.
\title{My thesis title}
\pretitle{\flushleft{Graduation thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Computerwetenschappen}}
\subtitle{my thesis subtitle}
\author{John Doe}
\promotors{Promotors: prof.\ dr.\ Apple Gates \and prof.\ dr.\ Micro Jobs}
\faculty{sciences and bioengineering sciences} % Note: without the word "Faculty"!
% Oftentimes, you need add a second language title.
\title{Mijn thesistitel}
\pretitle{\flushleft{Proefschrift ingediend met het oog op het behalen van de graad van Master of Science in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Computerwetenschappen}}%
\subtitle{mijn ondertitel}
\faculty{wetenschappen en bio-ingenieurswetenschappen}%
Your abstract would go here.
\part{First part}%
Optionally, you use parts, and those parts contain chapters.
\part{Second Part}%
Optionally, you use parts, and those parts contain chapters.