%%% User Package and Style File loading.
%\usepackage{CustomMacros}% This is a user macro/style file.
\usepackage{tikz}% tikz is used by almost everyone, but certainly by me for this.
\usepackage{pgfplots}% pgfplots is tikz but better.
%\usepackage{amsrefs}% amsrefs contains the .bibtex style content for mathematician papers.
%%% User Configuration commands
%% Uncomment the relevant line below if you have tables or figures.
\haveTablestrue% Uncomment this if you have tables in your thesis.
\haveFigurestrue% Uncomment this if you have figures in your thesis.
\haveObjectstrue% Uncomment this if you have Objects in your thesis. This is almost certainly not the case however.
%%% Below are the commands to set the degree type, department, graduation time, and chair.
% Most of these are self explanatory.
% Note: The \chair command takes an optional argument for a cochair.
% So if John was your chair and Jacob was a cochair, you would use \chair[Jacob]{John}.
% If John was your chair and you had no cochair, you can simply use \chair{John}.
\title{Dissertation and Thesis Example File}% Put your title here.
\degreeType{Doctor of Philosophy}% Official name of your degree; eg "Doctor of Philosophy".
\major{Mathematics}% Your official Department
\author{Jason Nowell}% Your Name
\thesisType{Dissertation}% Dissertation (PhD) or Thesis (Masters)
\degreeYear{2022}% Intended graduation year (not the year you submit the thesis)
\degreeMonth{August}% Month of graduation should be May, August, or December.
\chair[Jack Griffin]{Claude Rains}% Chair and Cochair (see comment block above).
%%% For each of the following, type in the name of the file that contains each section.
% They are assumed to be tex files, but if they aren't the command takes an optional argument for the extension.
%So, you could load dedication.tex as your dedication file using \setDedicationFile{dedication}
% You could load dedication.txt instead with \setDedicationFile[txt]{dedication}.
% NOTE: For some compilers they may or may not add a .tex to the end of the file automatically.
% If you get a "couldn't find dedication.tex.tex" type error, try the command with an empty optional argument,
%e.g. \setDedicationFile[]{dedication}
%%% These are REQUIRED sections; easiest to do via these commands.
\setDedicationFile{dedicationFile}% Dedication Page
\setAcknowledgementsFile{acknowledgementsFile}% Acknowledgements Page
\setAbstractFile{abstractFile}% Abstract Page (This should only include the abstract itself)
\setReferenceFile{referenceFile}{amsplain}% References. First argument is your bibtex source file
% the second argument is your bibtex style file.
\setBiographicalFile{biographyFile}% Biography file of the Author (you).
%%% These are NOT required, so only use them if you actually need/have them.
\setAbbreviationsFile{abbreviations}% Abbreviations Page
\setAppendixFile{appendix}% Appendix Content; hyperlinking might be weird.
\multipleAppendixtrue% Uncomment this if you have more than one appendix,
% comment it if you have only one appendix.
%%%%%%% End of File Assignment
%%%% Here you just need to include/input your actual work.
% The above files (dedication, acknowledgement, titlepage, etc etc) will all be added for you
% using the files you assigned above.
% If you want to input the above files manually you can comment out the \setFILE command above
% and use \input or \include here. Generally you want to use \include to get your pagebreak.
% NOTE: If you input manually you will have to do some/all the formatting manually.
\include{chapter1}% Modified from old template.
\include{chapter2}% Modified from old template.
\include{chapter3}% Modified from old template.
\chapter{EXAMPLES OF EDITOR/Author TOOLS}% Notice that we can use chapter/section etc breaks in the master file if we want, and then use \input instead of \include to avoid unneccessary page breaks.
\input{editorAndAuthorRemarks}% Stuff about using editorRemark and authorRemark commands
\include{chapter5}% Modified from old template.