% ---- ETD Document Class and Useful Packages ---- %
% v1.2.0 released July 7, 2022.
% https://github.com/k4rtik/uchicago-dissertation
\usepackage{mathtools} % loads amsmath
\usepackage{amssymb} % loads amsfonts
%% Use these commands to set biographic information for the title page:
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{Thesis Title}
\newcommand{\thesisauthor}{Thesis Author}
\department{Thesis Department}
\division{Thesis Division}
\degree{Type of Degree}
\date{Graduation Date}
%% Use these commands to set a dedication and epigraph text
\dedication{Dedication Text}
\epigraph{Epigraph Text}
pdfsubject={}, % Add subject/description
% pdfkeywords={keyword1, keyword2, keyword3}, % Uncomment and revise keywords
pdfborder={0 0 0}}
% See https://github.com/k4rtik/ucetd-latex/issues/1
%% Basic setup commands
% If you don't want a title page comment out the next line and uncomment the line after it:
% These lines can be commented out to disable the copyright/dedication/epigraph pages
%% Make the various tables of contents
% Enter Acknowledgements here
% Enter Abstract here
% Main body of text follows
% Introductory stuff
\chapter{A Chapter}
% Intro to chapter one
% Format a LaTeX bibliography
% Figures and tables, if you decide to leave them to the end