Thesis Template (IT & Cognition, University of Copenhagen)
Zeerak Waseem
Last Updated
7 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A thesis template for the IT & Cognition students at the university of Copenhagen
A thesis template for the IT & Cognition students at the university of Copenhagen
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\scriptsize{A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree} \\
\Large{Master of Science in IT \& Cognition} \\}
\Large{NAME} \\
\vspace{1.5cm} \\
\large{Supervisor: }
\date{July 2016}
%DH: general comments: check commas and spelling. You can easily lose points if the writing comes across as sloppy, because reviewers might assume that the research was also sloppy.
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\part{Conclusion and Future Work}\label{part:V}