% (c) Paul Oswald, 2023
% This is a template for a MSc Thesis document, based on a Microsoft Word template given
% by the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, UCL.
% ------------------ DOCUMENT SETUP ------------------
% The document class defines the document type (report) and sets the font size (12pt)
\author{Your Name}
% Inputs the Document Packages
% Controls how many subsections the document can take
% and how many of those will get put into the contents pages.
% Line Spacing
% Places a dot after Chapter/Section/Subsection number in Table of Contents
% Customize Dot spacing in Table of Contents/List of Figures/Tables
% Line Break Properties
% Formatting Table of Contents/Lists titles
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\bfseries\LARGE{LIST OF FIGURES}}
% Signature Line for the declaration
\hrulefill\\ % for a line
% Title Formatting customization
\titlespacing*{\section} {0pt} {0pt} {15pt} % left, before, after
\titlespacing*{\subsection} {0pt} {10pt} {10pt}
\titlespacing*{\subsubsection} {0pt} {10pt} {10pt}
\pagestyle{fancy} % Set Page Style (Header and Footer Style)
\fancyhf{} % Clears the header and footer (from the default info)
% Header
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % Removes the default Horizontal Line in Header
% Optional Headers
% Footer
\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} % Page Number
% Change figure numbering per section
%Acronym entries
% -------------------------------------------------
% --------- The document starts from here ---------
% -------------------------------------------------
% ------------------ TITLE PAGE -------------------
% Title
{\relscale{1.19}{A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in}}
{\relscale{1.15}\textbf{PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE\\}}
{\relscale{1.15}\textbf{UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON\\}}
{\begin{singlespace}First Supervisor: \\
Second Supervisor: \\\end{singlespace}}
Department of Medical Physics\\
and Biomedical Engineering\\
Date of submission: \today\\
Word count: WORD COUNT\\
% ---------------------- DECLARATION -----------------------
\chapter*{Declaration} % the Asterix (*) indicates that this section will be added to the table of contents but no number will be present beside it.
I, YOUR NAME confirm that the work presented in this report is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the report.
\noindent\signature{YOUR NAME}
% ---------------------- ABSTRACT -----------------------
\chapter*{Abstract} % the Asterix (*) indicates that this section will be added to the table of contents but no number will be present beside it.
% ----------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -------------------
% ----------------- ACRONYMS -------------------
% ------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------
% ------------------- LIST OF FIGURES --------------------
%{\let\oldnumberline\numberline % Uncomment to add the word 'Figure' to figure number in List of Figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures} % Add List of figures into contents without any numeration
% ------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------
\input{Introduction} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% ------------------- MATERIALS AND METHODS ---------------------
\chapter{Materials and Methods}
\input{Materials and Methods} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% ------------------- RESULTS ---------------------
\input{Results} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% ------------------- DISCUSSION ---------------------
\input{Discussion} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% ------------------- CONCLUSION AND FUTURE OUTLOOK ---------------------
\chapter{Conclusion and Future Outlook}
\input{Conclusion and Future Outlook} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% ------------------- BIBLIOGRAPHY ---------------------
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} % Adds References Section to Table of Contents
% ------------------- Appendix ---------------------
\input{Appendix} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% -------------------------------------------------
% --------- The document ends from here -----------
% -------------------------------------------------