% PhD thesis template, Lund University
% Originally designed for the Faculty of Science: Astronomy and Theoretical Physics
% Reformatted to work with Overleaf
% Layout and typesetting: Daniel Michalik, with Berry Holl, Helene Jönsson, Jonas Palm, Samuel Stenberg, Vidar Aspelin
% Implementation and documentation: Daniel Michalik, Samuel Stenberg
% Credits to the past generations of students who contributed to the original
% versions of this latex template, in particular Berry Holl.
% Compilation instructions: use "xelatex" (necessary for support of the fonts
% used by Lund University. The fonts need to be installed first, see README.txt
% for instructions).
% If you use (pdf)latex instead, the default latex fonts will be used.
% That would be a pity, cause the Garamond/Frutiger suggestion by the
% University looks much nicer for your thesis!
% Special command to automatically make Mac's TeXshop use xelatex for this file:
% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
% Hide all the usepackage commands and definitions in a preamble file.
% Normally you should not need to edit it.
% ********************************************************************
% Re-usable information (title page, datasheet), please edit the file parameters.tex to include correct information
% Not included papers, in case you want to list them
%\newcommand{\PaperNotIncIauthor}{C. Coauthor, \textbf{X. Someone}}
%\newcommand{\PaperNotIncIref}{Journal for \ldots}
%\newcommand{\PaperNotIncItitle}{Boring matter}
% --- END reusable thesis commands ---
%%%%%%%%%%%%% First pages with thesis title etc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% First six pages are contained in a separate file. Normally you should not
% need to edit it.
% ===============================================================
% ===================== INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: ===================
% ===============================================================
\thispagestyle{empty} % No page number on quote page
\textit{Dedicated to\\Humpty -- Dumpty\\bla bla blat}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Table of contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setcounter{page}{1} % Page Roman 1 of the frontmatter
% no page number on toc page:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% List of publications %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Have a long list and want to start on the left page? Here, have a special
% chapter heading for that!
%\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part 1: Summary}
%{\let\cleardoublepage\relax \let\chapterheadstartvskip\nop
\sect{List of publications\label{sec:paperlist}}
This thesis is based on the following publications, referred to by their Roman numerals:
% Normal font size in this table, afterwards continue with slightly smaller table font size stated in preamble
% Normal font size in this table, afterwards continue with slightly smaller table font size stated in preamble
\I & {\bf \PaperItitle}\\[2mm]
& \PaperIauthor\\
& \PaperIref\\[6mm]
\II & {\bf \PaperIItitle}\\[2mm]
& \PaperIIauthor\\
& \PaperIIref\\[6mm]
All papers are reproduced with permission of their respective publishers.
%Or maybe you need to be more specific? Like: Paper~I and II reproduced with permission \copyright\ ESO\\
% Publications not included in this thesis:
% \vspace{2mm}
% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{rX}
% {\sc \phantom{vi}} & {\bf \PaperNotIncItitle}\\[2mm]
% & \PaperNotIncIauthor\\
% & \PaperNotIncIref\\[5mm]
} % End large font tables, continue with font size stated in preamble
% ===============================================================
% ====================== Acknowledgements: =====================
% ===============================================================
% ===================== POPULAR SUMMARIES: =====================
%----------------- SUMMARY IN SWEDISH --------------------
\sect{Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska}
% ===============================================================
% ======================= SUMMARY CHAPTER =====================
% Back to British spelling
% Need to add hyphenation corrections? Do like this:
% \hyphenation{as-tro-me-try ana-lysis}
% Page numbers arabic
% Reset table counters to not count the publications table
% Rest page counters, this is where it all starts!
% Fancy a quote?
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Actual kappa %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Cool Stuff}
\chapter{Research and Outlook}
% ===============================================================
% ====================== References: ===========================
% Bibliography renamed to references
\bibliography{refs} % Link to bibtex file
% ===============================================================
% ====================== Part II: Scientific publications ======
% ===============================================================
\chap{Scientific publications}
\sect{Author contributions}
%Co-authors are abbreviated as follows: \\
%Foo Bar (FB), \ldots.
\subsect{Paper~\I: \PaperItitle}
I participated in developing the theory and wrote the simulation software. I participated in writing the manuscript.
\subsect{Paper~\II: \PaperIItitle}
I participated in developing the theory and writing simulation software. I participated in writing the manuscript.