% Check out the accompanying book, Even Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way in 2023, for a discussion of the template and step-by-step instructions. https://amzn.to/3HqwgXM https://leanpub.com/eBBwLtAW/
% The template was originally created by Clemens Lode, LODE Publishing (www.lode.de), on 1/1/2023. Feel free to use this template for your book project!
% I would be happy if you included a short mention in your book in order to help others to create their own books, too ("Book template based on \textit{Even Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way in 2023} by Clemens Lode").
% Contact me at mail@lode.de if you need help with the template or are interested in our editing and publishing services.
% And don't forget to follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/lodepublishing/ https://www.instagram.com/betterbookswithlatex/
% To create an EPUB file, select pdfLaTeX in the Menu in the top-left and choose the conversion method in the /latexmkrc file.
% Select document class scrbook to be in the two-page mode and accommodate for the binding of a printed book.
% The bibliography receives an entry in the table of contents but no number.
% Load additional LaTeX libraries.
% Set up externalization to save all tikz pictures also as JPG files (for the ebook/HTML output).
% Modify the behavior of tikzpicture: convert the generated image PDF to a jpg and insert that jpg (instead of the PDF) into the document.
\tikzset{jpg export/.style={external/system call={pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"; convert -gravity center -extent 1245 -strip -quality 100 -density 300 -transparent white "\image.pdf" "\image.jpg"},/pgf/images/external info,/pgf/images/include external/.code=\includegraphics{##1.jpg}}}
% Activate "jpg export" configuration.
\tikzset{jpg export}
% Output the pdf to an existing directory.
% Preamble
% Redefining the \nameref command to use italics formatting needs to be done in the preamble:
% (Only) printed books have indexes.
% Allow three columns for the index to save space.
% Start tracking index commands, which have to be in the main file.
% This package is needed only when using tex4ebook and when a standalone EPUB file is the goal.
% \usepackage{tex4ebook}
% \coverimage[scale=0.8]{OEBPS/cover.jpg}
% Front matter
% Front matter chapter entries use Roman page numbering (i, ii, iii, iv, ...).
% Remove this line for your actual book. It is only for advertisement.
% The additional title with the cover is not needed for e-books.
% Headers and Footers
% Left-hand even page
% Right-hand odd page
% Left-hand even page / Right-hand odd page
% Re-define plain style
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % optional: removes horizontal line in header
% Main matter
% Reset to normal page numbering (1, 2, 3, ...).
% Add additional chapters / remove chapters if necessary.
% Back matter
% This adds a separate quotations page (sources in the e-book are already included in the text body).
% Appendix
% The index page exists only for printed PDFs.
% This is an optional command to display a prologue before the index.
% \indexprologue{Replace index prologue with an own introduction (errata, formatting, abbreviations, etc.).}