"Arabic and contact-induced change: a handbook" part III
Sebastian Nordhoff
Last Updated
7 years ago
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Template for chapters in "Arabic and contact-induced change: a handbook" part III
Template for chapters in "Arabic and contact-induced change: a handbook" part III
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\title{Contact and X}
Chap ter Author\affiliation{University of Eden}\and
Noam Chimpsky\affiliation{University of Pluto}\lastand
Jane Wilson\affiliation{National Institute for Language}
Abstract goes here
Introduction to the topic of the chapter from a general linguistic point of view, including
discussion of the most prominent work on the general topic for languages other than Arabic,
and generalizations on what is generally expected in this domain from a crosslinguistic and
historical point of view.
\subsection{Framework A}
Sed cursus eros condimentum mi consectetur, ac consectetur sapien pulvinar. Sed consequat, magna eu scelerisque laoreet, ante erat tristique justo, nec cursus eros diam eu nisl. Vestibulum non arcu tellus. Nunc dignissim tristique massa ut gravida. Nullam auctor orci gravida tellus egestas, vitae pharetra nisl porttitor. Pellentesque turpis nulla, venenatis id porttitor non, volutpat ut leo. Etiam hendrerit scelerisque luctus. Nam sed egestas est. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc vestibulum nec odio non laoreet. Proin lacinia nulla lectus, eu vehicula erat vehicula sed.
A schema is given in \figref{fig:1:schema}.
A $\to$ B $\to$ C
\caption{Language contact schema}
Integer porttitor mauris ac nisi iaculis molestie. Sed nec imperdiet orci. Suspendisse sed fringilla elit, non varius elit. Sed varius nisi magna, at efficitur orci consectetur a. Cras consequat mi dui, et cursus lacus vehicula vitae. Pellentesque sit amet justo sed lectus luctus vehicula. Suspendisse placerat augue eget felis sagittis placerat.
A facsimile is given in \figref{fig:1:facsimile}.
\caption{A facsimile of the X scroll}
\section{ contact-induced changes in the domain in question,}
Information and brief description of: the principal contact languages for the variety; the
circumstances under which they came into contact \citep{VanCoetsem1988}; and the dynamics of the multilingual
communities that resulted (also see \citealt{Versteegh2001}).
\subsection{Contact language A}
\subsection{Contact language B}
\section{Summary and illustration of salient contact-induced changes in the domain in question}
Overview of contact-induced changes in the domain in question, both within the relevant Arabic
varieties and in their contact languages. Where possible, consideration is given to the likely
agents of each change, and whether they were dominant in the source language(s) or the
recipient language.
\subsection{Language A}
Example \REF{ex:cogito} discusses an interesting morphological aspect.
\langinfo{Atlantean Arabic}{}{\citealt{Versteegh2001}}\\
\gll cogito ergo sum\\
think.\textsc{1sg}.\textsc{pres} therefore \textsc{cop}.\textsc{1sg}.\textsc{pres}\\
\glt `I think therefore I am.'
\subsection{Language B}
Example \REF{ex:scribo} discusses an interesting syntactic aspect.
\langinfo{Futuristan Arabic}{}{\citealt{Versteegh2001}}\\
\gll scribo ergo sum\\
write.\textsc{1sg}.\textsc{pres} therefore \textsc{cop}.\textsc{1sg}.\textsc{pres}\\
\glt `I write therefore I am.'
Conclusion, including outline of what we still do not know about the variety in question, and the
most urgent issues for future research.
\section*{Further Reading}
References to, and brief descriptions of, the 2–5 most important published sources of
information on contact-induced change in the variety in question.