Andres Felipe Rivera Romero
Last Updated:
8 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Formato de Tesis
Universidad de Antioquia

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Formato de Tesis
Universidad de Antioquia
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%% File: main.tex
%% Author: John Liaperdos (ioannis.liaperdos@gmail.com)
%% Last update: April 28, 2015
%% Description: Provides an example of a PhD Thesis
%% using the teipel-thesis-en pdfLaTeX class.
%% Character encoding: UTF-8
% 1. use the "modern" or "classic" option to switch between
% a modern or classic font, respectively.
% 2. add/remove the "hyperref" option to enable/disable hyperlinks:
% (remember to remove auxiliary files after adding/removing
% the "hyperref" option).
% 3. add/remove the "printer" option to typeset a printer-friendly
% (grayscale)/color version of the thesis.
% 4. use the "watermark" option to indicate a draft copy of the thesis
% 5. use the "histinit" option to enable "historiated initials".
% (If used, all chapter initials declared by the \InitialCharacter{}
% macro are enlarged. If ommitted, arguments of \InitialCharacter{}
% are typeset as normal text.)
% 6. use the "plain" option to disable tikz graphics in title page
% and part/chapter headers (might help to avoid compilation timeouts).
% Note that "plain" disables CD label and CD cover creation.
% 7. use the "noindex" option to (hopefully) avoid compilation timeouts
% when compiling online (disables index generation - note that "\indexGR",
% "\index" invocations need not be removed when toggling this option).
% 8. use the "frontispiece" option to typeset a frontispiece at the back of the cover page
% 9. use the `letter' option for a US letter page layout, instead of A4
\documentclass[classic, hyperref,watermark,histinit,frontispiece,plain]{teipel-thesis-en} %%moder pone el formato lindo, pero los simbolos griegos no
\usepackage{graphicx, color}
\usepackage{cite} % to collet the references
\fancyhead[LO]{\leftmark} % En las p\'{a}ginas impares, parte izquierda del encabezado, aparecer\'{a} el nombre de cap\'{\i}tulo
\fancyhead[RE]{\rightmark} % En las p\'{a}ginas pares, parte derecha del encabezado, aparecer\'{a} el nombre de secci\'{o}n
\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} % N\'{u}meros de p\'{a}gina en el centro
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.2 cm}
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.2 cm}
\setlength{\textwidth}{16.2 cm}
%% My new commands
%%%%%%%%%%% camilo comands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\newcommand{\Lfour}{${\cal L}_4$}%
%\newcommand{\Leleven}{{\small Tree-level coupling DM-$\gamma$}}%
\newcommand{\Leleven}{{\footnotesize Violates (ii)}} %\hyperref[condition:ii]{(ii)}}}%
\newcommand{\Ltwelve}{{\footnotesize Violates(iii)}} %\hyperref[condition:iii]{(iii) }}}%
% University Name
\UniversityName{Universidad de Antioquia}
% School Name
\SchoolName{Instituto de Física}
% Department Name
\DepartmentName{Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales \\
{\large{Grupo de Fenomenolog\'ia de Interacciones Fundamentales (GFIF)}} }
% Location
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Thesis Type
\ThesisType{\\PhD Thesis}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Thesis Title
% To force line breaks in title, use "\\".
% If different line break locations are to be used for the cover page and the inner title page (page 3)
% repeat the cover page title as an optional argument of the \title macro, including line breaks.
% Examples:
% 1. Automatic title line breaks in cover page and inner title page:
% \title{This is my title}
% 2. Title breaking after ''my'' in both cover page and inner title page:
% \title{This is my \\ title}
% 3. Title breaking after ''my'' in cover page, and after ''is'' in inner title page:
% \title[This is my \\ title]{This is \\ my title}
\title{ {\bf{\Large{\\Phenomenology of the singlet-doublet fermion scotogenic model }}} }
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Thesis subtitle (optional)
% If no subtitle is required, set argument to blank, or comment-out the \subtitle macro.
% Example:
%% \subtitle{This is my subtitle}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Author name
% For more than one authors, separate with ",".
% Example:
% \authorName{Albert Einstein, George W. Bush}
\authorName{Andrés Felipe Rivera Romero}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Supervisor's name
\supervisor{Dr. Diego Alejandro Restrepo Q.\,, }
\cosupervisor{Dr. Oscar Alberto Zapata N. }
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Supervisor's title
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Place and date of publication
\thesisPlaceDate{Medellín, 2017}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Place and date in acknowledgements (if applicable).
\ackPlaceDate{Medellín, 2017}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Approval information
\examinationDate{ Date:}
\approvalStatement{Approved by \hspace{2.0 cm}}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright Year
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Name of first examiner
% \firstExaminer{Professor A}
\firstExaminer{\hspace{5.0 cm}}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Title of first examiner
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Name of second examiner
\secondExaminer{\hspace{5.0 cm}}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Title of second examiner
%% Color for cover and chapters
%% Color for appendices
%% hyperlink color (ignored if the "hyperref" option is omitted)
%% Thesis title foreground color in cover page (ignored if the "plain" option is used)
%% Thesis title background color in cover page (ignored if the "plain" option is used)
%% Cover page image (optional)
%% If no cover page image is required, set argument to blank, or comment-out the \coverpageimage macro.
%% Syntax:
%% \coverpageimage{scale factor}{path to cover page image}
%% or
%% \coverpageimage[tikz]{scale factor}{TikZ commands}
%% (commands may include \usetikzlibrary statements, etc.)
%% Examples:
%% - Use the image in "figures/rdf.png" scaled by 0.8 (=80%):
%% \coverpageimage{0.8}{figures/rdf.png}
%% - Use a TikZ drawing scaled by 0.5 (=50%):
%% \coverpageimage[tikz]{0.5}{
%% \draw[thick, magenta] \foreach \x in {18,90,...,306} {
%% (\x:4) node{} -- (\x+72:4)
%% (\x:4) -- (\x:3) node{}
%% (\x:3) -- (\x+15:2) node{}
%% (\x:3) -- (\x-15:2) node{}
%% (\x+15:2) -- (\x+144-15:2)
%% (\x-15:2) -- (\x+144+15:2)
%% };
%% }
\vspace{2.0 cm}
% Path to University Logo (all supported formats are allowed)
% Path to University Logo (grayscale version to be used with the `printer' option)
% Scalefactor for University logos (1 for 100%)
% Draft Indication (watermark text to be used with the `watermark' option)
\draftIndication{}%poner algo debajo de superviso en la primera hoja
% Frontispiece settings (ignored if the `frontispiece' option is omitted)
% Syntax: \setFrontispiece[scale factor]{path to frontispiece image}{frontispiece image legend}
\setFrontispiece[0.3]{figures/logo-udea}{Universidad de Antioquia} %figura detras de la primera página ---> GUITARRA
% add custom hyphenation rules here
% Abstract (content in `abstract.tex')
% Dedication
\thesisDedication{To my family and friends.
\\Especially to Juliana for all your support.}
% Acknowledgements (content in `acknowledgements.tex')
% Table of Contents
% List of Figures
% List of Illustrations
% List of Tables
% Preface (content in `preface.tex')
% Introduction
% Parts/Chapters
% \part{Part A}
% Appendices
% Acknowledgements (content in `acknowledgements.tex')
%%%%% Bibliography/References (BiBTeX items in `references.bib')
%%%% \bibliography{IEEEabrv,references}
% Abbreviations (content in `abbreviations.tex')
% Glossary (content in `glossary.tex')
% Index
%% Create CD labels:
\definecdlabeloffsets{0}{-0.65}{0}{0.55} % upper label x offset [cm] (default=0) / upper label y offset [cm] (default=0) / lower label x offset [cm] (default=0) / lower label y offset [cm] (default=0) -- For Q-Connect KF01579 labels use the following offset values: {0}{-0.65}{0}{0.55}
\createcdlabel{This is my PhD \\ Phenomenology of the singlet-doublet fermion scotogenic model}{Andrés Felipe Rivera Romero}{October}{2016}{1} % thesis title / author name / month / year / title area width in cm (recommended value: 8)
%% Create CD case covers:
\createcdcover{This is my PhD \\ Phenomenology of the singlet-doublet fermion scotogenic model}{Andrés Felipe Rivera Romero}{October}{2016}{1} % thesis title / author name / month / year / title area width in cm (recommended value: 10)