TJAA - Turkish Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Turkish Astronomical Society
Last Updated
3 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Official template for TJAA
Official template for TJAA
% TJAA - Example Article - Example.tex
% This file format has been adapted from Springer's llncs proc package.
% Producer: Springer
% Adapted by Sinan Kaan Yerli, ODTU Fizik Bolumu, Ekim 2010.
% Version: 2015-06-15 - 1.1
% Version: 2019-08-01 - 2.0
% Version: 2021-04-01 - 2.1
% Version: 2022-01-01 - 2.2
% - added Example-Turkce file using \TRlang
% which explains multi language abstract
% - updated explanations in manuscript meta-data notes
% - added sections: Astro. Macros, Astro. Journals
% - added description for new columntypes
% - added section for auth-year commands
% Türkçe karakterler ile yazmak ve Türkçe heceleme icin aşağıdaki
% paketin etkin olması zorunludur.
%%%% %%%%
%%%% %%%%
%%%% CONTAINING "%%%%TJAA-OZEL" %%%%
%%%% %%%%
%%%% WITH "%%%%TJAA-OZEL" **MANUALLY**. %%%%
%%%% %%%%
%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------ %%%%
%%%% %%%%
%%%% %%%%
%%%% %%%%
% NOTES (title):
% 1) If you need to put a \newline in the title
% then you HAVE TO specify the short title
\title[Short Title max 45 chars]{Example Article for Turkish Journal\newline of Astronomy and Astrophysics}%%%%TJAA-OZEL:TITLE%
% NOTES (authors):
% 1) For single author don't number single affiliation addreess.
% 2) If you need two or more lines of authors, use \newauthor (see below usage)
% 3) ORCID is required for ALL authors
% 4) Short author should be either A.U. Thor -or- A. U. Thor
\author[F. Author et al.]{%
First Author,$^{1}$\thanks{}\orcid{0000-0000-0000-0000}
A. N. Other,$^{2}$\orcid{0000-0000-0000-0000}
Third Author,$^{2,3}$\orcid{0000-0000-0000-0000}
Fourth Author$^{3}$\orcid{0000-0000-0000-0000}
% NOTES (List of institutions):
% 1) Don't put \\ at the last institution
$^{1}$University, Department, City Post Code, Country\\
$^{2}$Department, Institution, Street Address, City Postal Code, Country\\
$^{3}$Another Department, Different Institution, Street Address, City Postal Code, Country%
% These dates and numbers will be filled out by the publisher
\date{Accepted: XXX. Revised: YYY. Received: ZZZ.}
% NOTES (language):
% 1) Default language of TJAA is ENGLISH.
% 2a) If your manuscript is in ENGLISH then leave both commands as commented
% 2b) If your manuscript is in TURKISH then uncomment only below command
% Don't change these 3 lines
% NOTES (abstract):
% 1) The abstract has to be in ENGLISH
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis.
Curabitur dictum gravida mauris.
Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna.
Donec vehicula augue eu neque.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Mauris ut leo.
% 2) If your manuscript is in TURKISH (otherwise ignore below usage)
% a) Write TURKISH abstract above
% b) "uncomment" the command '\ozet' below
% c) Put ENGLISH abstract below the command
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis.
Curabitur dictum gravida mauris.
Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna.
Donec vehicula augue eu neque.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Mauris ut leo.
% NOTES (Keywords):
% 1) Select minimum one and maximum six entries from the approred list
% 2) Don't make up new ones.
keyword1 -- keyword2 -- keyword3
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{First Section Title}
\subsection{First Section - First sub-Section Title}
\subsubsection{First Section - First sub-sub-Section Title}
\paragraph{First Section - First sub-sub-Section - Paragraph}
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Fine tuning the manuscript}
A new command is introduced to collect all astronomical objects into a
\verb|\Aobj{Cyg X-1}|.
The following code
``\verb|Andromeda galaxy (\Aobj{M31}) ...|''
will produce
``Andromeda galaxy (\Aobj{M31}) ...''
and the object (M31) will be added to the object database.
Links to web pages can be given within the text using \verb|\url| command:
The command \verb|\url{}| will produce
For longer URLs you can merge the URL into text using the web format.
The command
will produce a link to \href{}{TJAA}.
Some of the common commands, properties and habits:
\verb|\,| & a thin space, e.g.\ between numbers or between units
and numbers; a line division will not be made
following this space\\
\verb|--| & en dash; two strokes, without a space at either end;
put in between numbers to increase readability\\
\verb*| -- |& en dash; two strokes, with a space at either end\\
\verb|-| & hyphen; one stroke, no space at either end\\
\verb|$-$| & minus, in the text {\em only} \\
{\em Input} & \verb|21\,$^{\circ}$C etc.,|\\
& \verb|Dr h.\,c.\,Rockefellar-Smith \dots|\\
& \verb|1950--1985 \dots|\\
& \verb|this -- printed on a computer|\\
{\em Output}& 21\,$^{\circ}$C etc., Dr h.\,c.\,Rockefellar-Smith \dots\\
& 1950--1985 \dots\\
& this -- printed on a computer
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Special text typefaces}
Normal type (roman text) need not be coded. Three different command
emphasizes the text:
\verb|{\itshape Text}| & {\itshape Italicized Text}\\
\verb|{\em Text}| & {\em Emphasized Text --
if you would like to emphasize a {\em definition} within an
italicized text (e.g.\ of a {\em theorem}) you should code the
expression to be emphasized by} \verb|\em|.\\
\verb|{\bfseries Text}|& {\bfseries Important Text}\\
\verb|\vec{Symbol}| & Vectors may only appear in math mode. The default
\LaTeX{} vector symbol has been adapted\footnotemark\
to LLNCS conventions.\\[2pt]
& \verb|$\vec{A \times B\cdot C}|\\
& ... yields $\vec{A\times B\cdot C}$
%\footnotetext{If you absolutely must revive the original \LaTeX{}
%design of the vector symbol (as an arrow accent), please specify the
%option \texttt{[orivec]} in the \texttt{documentclass} line.}
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Astronomical Macros}
List of short cuts for astronomy. Note that all of the macros listed below are
math mode safe i.e. \verb|$12\degr$| and \verb|12\degr| will produce the same
\verb|12 \fd 34\fh 56| & $12\fd34\fh56$ \\
\verb|12 \fm 34\fs 56| & $12\fm34\fs56$ \\
\verb|12 \fdg 34\fp 56| & $12\fdg34\fp56$ \\
\verb|12 \farcm 34\farcs 56| & $12\farcm34\farcs56$ \\
\verb|12 \degr| & 12\degr \\
\verb|12 \arcmin 34\arcsec | & 12\arcmin34\arcsec \\
\verb|12 \micron \ion{H}{II}|& $12\micron$ \ion{H}{II} \\
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Astronomical Journals}
List of journal abbreviations used in TJAA references. Note that to fit into
the page only a partial list shown here.
\aap \aapr \aaps \aat \actaa \afz \aj \ao \apj
\apjl \apjs \aplett \apss \araa \arep \aspc \azh
\baas \caa \cjaa \iaucirc \icarus \japa \jrasc
\mnras \na \nar \nat \pasa \pasj \pasp \planss
\procspie \qjras \rmxaa \sci \skytel \solphys
\sovast \ssr \tjaa \vark
\aap ~$\bullet$
\aapr ~$\bullet$
\aaps ~$\bullet$
\aat ~$\bullet$
\actaa ~$\bullet$
\afz ~$\bullet$
\aj ~$\bullet$
\ao ~$\bullet$
\apj ~$\bullet$
\apjl ~$\bullet$
\apjs ~$\bullet$
\aplett ~$\bullet$
\apss ~$\bullet$
\araa ~$\bullet$
\arep ~$\bullet$
\aspc ~$\bullet$
\azh ~$\bullet$
\baas ~$\bullet$
\caa ~$\bullet$
\cjaa ~$\bullet$
\iaucirc ~$\bullet$
\icarus ~$\bullet$
\japa ~$\bullet$
\jrasc ~$\bullet$
\mnras ~$\bullet$
\na ~$\bullet$
\nar ~$\bullet$
\nat ~$\bullet$
\pasa ~$\bullet$
\pasj ~$\bullet$
\pasp ~$\bullet$
\planss ~$\bullet$
\procspie ~$\bullet$
\qjras ~$\bullet$
\rmxaa ~$\bullet$
\sci ~$\bullet$
\skytel ~$\bullet$
\solphys ~$\bullet$
\sovast ~$\bullet$
\ssr ~$\bullet$
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Input}~\\
Text with a footnote\verb|\footnote{The |{footnotes are numbered automatically.}\verb|}| and text continues \dots
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Output}~\\
Text with a footnote\footnote{The footnotes are numbered automatically.}
and text continues \dots
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Input}
\item First item
\item First nested item
\item Third item
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Output}
\item First item
\item First nested item
\item Third item
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Acknowledging other parties}
Scientific works usually have to acknowledge many different institutions,
works, individuals, software etc.
In a proper acknowledgment, these should be listed according to the
importance and contribution, starting from highest to lowest, and group them:
projects, software, institutions, people.
Note also that acknowledgment section is not numbered and should be the last
section before references:
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Input}
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Floating environments: Figures \& Tables}
They should be inserted after (not in) the paragraph in which the figure is
first mentioned.
They will be numbered automatically.
Note that figures (and tables) become floating environments if they are not
attached to main text.
Therefore if you want to place the figure (or table) correctly
\textbf{do not add empty lines} before \verb|\begin{figure}| or
If you have many floating blocks (figures or tables) you have two choices:
Push all floats to the end \textbf{with no space between the blocks} in the
same order as they are referenced;
Start arranging the location of floats from the very first float putting and
fixing its location couple of paragraphs before it is referenced first. This
way the floats will be -/+ 1 one page away from its expecting location.
The image file formats are limited to only PNG or PDF types.
To leave the desired amount of space for the height of your figures, please
use the coding described below.
Please note that ``\verb|x|'' in the following coding stands for the actual
height of the figure:
\vspace{x cm}
% (Use [ ] for short caption)
\caption[ ]{...text of caption...}
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Input}
\caption{This is the caption of the figure
displaying nothing leaving a vertical space
of 2.5 cm.
If you need to use cited references in
caption use \protect command:
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Output.}{\itshape Figure is placed at the top of the column}
This is the caption of the figure displaying nothing leaving a vertical space
of 2.5 cm. If you need to use cited references in caption use the following
command: \usebox{\verbbox}.}
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table captions should be treated in the same way as figure legends, except
that the table captions appear {\itshape above} the tables.
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Input}
\caption{Critical $N$ values}
\hline % No need to use \noalign{\smallskip}
${\mathrm M}_\odot$
& $\beta_{0}$ & $T_{\mathrm c6}$ & $\gamma$
& $N_{\mathrm{crit}}^{\mathrm L}$
& L & C & R \\
% You dont need to use \noalign{\smallskip}
% around the \hline command.
% It is provided internally.
30 & 0.82 & 38.4 & 35.7 & 154 &1 &1 &1 \\
60 & 0.67 & 42.1 & 34.7 & 138 &12 &12 &12 \\
120 & 0.52 & 45.1 & 34.0 & 124 &123 &123 &123\\
\paragraph*{\itshape Sample Output:}
Table is placed at the top of this column. To place flowing text
correctly, start a new paragraph by pressing enter twice after the table.
\caption{Critical $N$ values}
% Please dont use commands giving extra vertical or horizontal spacing.
% They are all deleted or converted to publisher standards.
% When \tabcolsep is used your table will take more space than expected.
${\mathrm M}_\odot$
& $\beta_{0}$ & $T_{\mathrm c6}$ & $\gamma$
& $N_{\mathrm{crit}}^{\mathrm L}$
& L & C & R \\
30 &0.82 &38.4 &35.7 &154 &1 &1 &1 \\
60 &0.67 &42.1 &34.7 &138 &12 &12 &12 \\
120 &0.52 &45.1 &34.0 &124 &123 &123 &123\\
Two important notes:
(1) 4 new columntypes introduced (P, L, C, R) -- last three
shown here.
For example \verb|C{1cm}| centers the content of the column to 1 cm width.
(2) If you use \verb|dcolumn| option for \verb|tjaa| style, 3 new column types
(namely, \verb|d . ,|) can be used to align the numbers in the column content.
For further information you will find a complete description of the tabular
environment on p.~62~ff. and p.~204 of the {\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \&
Reference Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\section{Symbols and Characters}
\subsection*{Special Symbols}
You may need to use special signs. The available ones are listed in the {\em
\LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport, pp.~41\,ff. We
have created further symbols for math mode (enclosed in \$):
\verb|\grole| & $\grole$ & \verb|\getsto| & $\getsto$\\
\verb|\lid| & $\lid$ & \verb|\gid| & $\gid$
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There are two ways to enter citations in \LaTeX{}:
(1) Citing with plain text inline in the manuscript using
\textit{pre-formatted list of references};
(2) Referring to a permanent database of references and calling with BibTeX
We recommend the later one to our colleagues, especially if you are a beginner
in writing scientific papers.
In this manuscript both of them will be explained.
There are three different citation presentation exists.
However, in this manuscript, only ``Author-Year'' style which is widely
used in astronomy, will be explained and therefore implemented in TJAA.
The other two are: number only and letter--number.
Entering citations and typesetting references are explained in
``{\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference Manual\/}, Leslie Lamport, s.~71.''
In this manuscript only a simplified will be used.
\subsection{Author-Year System}
Referenced cited within the text in parenthesis which contains author and
Some of the examples of this usage are as follows:
(Smith 1970, 1980), (Ekeland et al. 1985, Theorem 2), (Jones and Jaffe
1986; Farrow 1988, Chap.\,2).
If the author is part of the text only the year could be put into the
eg.\ Ekeland\ (1985, Section.\,2.1)
Reference list should include all the cited word and it has to be order with
the surname.
If there are more than one work for the same author then they should be listed
with the following rules:
Single Author: List is sorted by date.
Author and the same other authors: List is sorted by date.
Author and different other authors: List has to be sorted alphabetically by
the other authors.
If there are more than one cited work for the same author(s) then each work
has to be suffixed with sequential letter, ``a'', ``b'' etc.
eg.\ (Smith 1982a), (Smith 1982b), (Ekeland et al. 1982c).
\textbf{This system has been integrated into TJAA style and you don't need to
change anything in your manuscript; just continue using your habit of citing.}
\Large\textbf{IMPORTANT NOTE:}\\
Below you will find two different methods.\\
Choose one type of citing and referencing and\\
delete the other section completely.
\subsection{Author-Year commands}
For the following \verb|\bibitem[]{}| command created by BibTeX the following
list of citation usage is available through out the manuscript:\\
\verb|\bibitem[Auth1 et al. (2021)Auth1, Auth2,|\\
\verb| and Auth3]{key21}...|
\verb|\citet{key21}| & Auth1 et al. (2021) \\
\verb|\citep{key21}| & (Auth1 et al., 2021) \\
\verb|\citet*{key21}| & Auth1, Auth2, and Auth3 (2021) \\
\verb|\citep*{key21}| & (Auth1, Auth2, and Auth3, 2021) \\
& \\
\verb|\citet[txt1]{key21}| & Auth1 et al. (2021, txt1) \\
\verb|\citep[txt1]{key21}| & (Auth1 et al., 2021, txt1) \\
\verb|\citep[txt1][]{key21}| & (txt1 Auth1 et al., 2021) \\
\verb|\citep[txt1][txt2]{key21}| & (txt1 Auth1 et al., 2021, txt2) \\
& \\
\verb|\citealt{key21}| & Auth1 et al. 2021 \\
\verb|\citealp{key21}| & Auth1 et al., 2021 \\
\verb|\citealt*{key21}| & Auth1, Auth2, and Auth3 2021 \\
\verb|\citealp*{key21}| & Auth1, Auth2, and Auth3, 2021 \\
& \\
\verb|\citetext{priv.\ comm.}| & (priv. comm.) \\
\subsection{Author-Year: Inline with text}
You have to assign an alias (embraced with curly brackets) to each reference
you put in `References' section with \verb|\bibitem| command.
You then use \verb|\cite{alias}| command to refer to the reference
inline within the text.
Note that in this `inline' method, author has full control of the format of
\verb|\bibitem|. However, since entries are written and maintained by hand,
copy-pasting from other source files might create inconsistencies which would
not easy to resolve for large number of entries.
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-1 -- Citing a reference: Input}
The results in this section are a
refined version of \citet{clar:eke1}; the
minimality result of Proposition~14 was the
first of its kind.
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-1 -- Citing a reference: Output}
``\dots\ refined version of \citet{clar:eke1}; the minimality\dots''.
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-1 -- Building References: Input}
% (don't forget {} string at the end)
\bibitem[Clarke ve Ekeland, 1982]{clar:eke1}
Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
Nonlinear oscillations and boundary-value
problems for Hamiltonian systems.
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982)
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-1 -- Building References: Output}
\bibitem[Clarke ve Ekeland, 1982]{clar:eke1} Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Nonlinear
oscillations and boundary-value problems for Hamiltonian systems.
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bf 78} (1982) 315--333
\subsection{Author-Year: with {\sc Bib}\TeX{}}
The only difference of this method from the \textit{inline} method is that
\verb|\bibitem| lines are generated automatically using an external command
Therefore, format of \verb|\bibitem| lines will also be standard too.
The standard for TJAA is adapted from Springer's {\sc Bib}\TeX{} style and it
is available through \verb|tjaa.bst| file and the command
\verb|\bibliographystyle{tjaa}| will handle the rest of the configuration.
Citation in this example will be exactly the same as in the previous one.
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-2 -- Citing a reference: Input}
The results in this section are a
refined version of \citet{clar:eke2}; the
minimality result of Proposition~14 was the
first of its kind.
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-2 -- Citing a reference: Output}
``\dots\ refined version of \citet{clar:eke2}; the minimality\dots''.
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-2 -- Building References: Input}
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-2 -- Building References: Input} \verb|Example.bib| file.
author = {{Clarke}, F. and {Ekeland}, I.},
title = "{Nonlinear ... systems.}",
journal = {Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.},
year = 1982,
volume = 78,
pages = {315-333},
tjaanote= {Prepared for TJAA example.
Note: Even though each keyword=value
ends with comma in previous lines,
this line doesnt.}
\paragraph*{\itshape Example-2 -- Building References: Output}
\subsection{Future of Bibliography Management}
Users might find it to difficult to maintain a bibliographic reference list in
a special formatted file with \verb|.bib| extension.
However, nowadays all bibliographical databases provide \verb|.bib| outputs.
Then, you just have to refer to these files using the following command:
Even though maintaining ``a reference database'' means to combine a few
different concepts together, once it is done for the first time, later usage
would be handled by combining different \verb|.bib| files in a
single command. For example, use the following command to combine your
previous TJAA submissions:
In today's capabilities, please consider exporting your bibliographical
databases stored in \verb|.bib| files into a modern style software; one of
which is
\href{}{Zotero} and it is also integrated in
\href{}{Overleaf}, a web based tool to collaboratively
write in \LaTeX{}, store, share and produce articles.
TJAA style is available in \href{}{Overleaf}.