% @brief LaTeX2e Resume for Kamil K Wojcicki
% @author Kamil K Wojcicki
% @url http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/?p=54
% @date Decemebr 2007
% @info Based on Latex Resume Template by Chris Paciorek
% http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/~paciorek/
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{\sc \Large Curriculum Vitae -- Thomas R. N. Jansson}
\section{\mysidestyle Personal\\Information}%\vspace{2mm}
Thomas R. N. Jansson \\
Allersgade 18, 2 tv. \\
2200 Copenhagen N \\
Denmark \\
tel: +45 29722392 \\
\href{mailto:tjansson@tjansson.dk}{tjansson@tjansson.dk} \\
I was born and raised in Copenhagen where I have liv\-ed all my life except \ldots{}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
\section{\mysidestyle Education}
\textbf{Masters degree in geophysics from
the University of Copenhagen} (2006-2008). Thesis advisors: Klaus Mosegaard
(KU) and Trine Dahl Jensen (GEUS). Thesis title: \textit{Receiver function
modeling}. Modeling local subsurface velocity structures using multiple
diverse algorithms.
\textbf{Bachelor degree in physics from the University of Copenhagen}
(2001-2006). Thesis advisor: Tomas Bohr (DTU Physics).
Thesis title: Symmetry breaking in the free surface of rotating fluids
with high Reynolds numbers. Enrolled: September 2001
\section{\mysidestyle Job experiences}\vspace{1mm}
\item[2009 April$\rightarrow$ ] Employed as Inversion Geophysicist at
Schlumberger in Copenhagen. (\ldots)
\item[2009 January (Thomas Jansson IT)] Constructed web frontend for
the ``Shallow Water Model'' for use in teaching at the geophysical
department of University of Copenhagen. Referee: Eigil Kaas
(\href{mailto:kaas@gfy.ku.dk}{kaas@gfy.ku.dk}) and Aksel Walløe Hansen
\item[2008 August $\rightarrow$ October (Thomas Jansson IT)] Gave a one-day course
in the use of the content management system Drupal for DTM International
A/S. Subsequently employed as a consultant.
\item[2008 July (Thomas Jansson IT)] Building website for "First Workshop on Satellite Imaging
of the Arctic", see \url{www.gfy.ku.dk/~awh/satellite-imaging/}.
\section{\mysidestyle Publications}
Thomas R. N. Jansson, Martin P. Haspang, Kåre H. Jensen, Pascal
Hersen, and Tomas Bohr, \textit{Polygons on a Rotating Fluid
Surface}, Physical Review Letters \textbf{96} 174502 (2006).
The article was the continued work of my bachelors project. The
article made quite a buzz and was cited in news medias such as Nature
and the New York Times. See\\
\section{\mysidestyle Selected popular science articles}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
\item \emph{Review: ``Kvantespring i det 20. århundrede''}, Gamma,
fall, 2008.
\item \emph{Review: ``Insultingly stupid movie physics''}, Kvant 3,
\item \emph{Eksperiment med flydende metaller relateret til jordens
magnetfelt}, Gamma 145, 2007.
\section{\mysidestyle Computer skills}\vspace{1mm}
\item[Operating systems] Advanced experience with the most flavors of Linux, Ubuntu,
Debian, CentOS, Mandriva and Rocks Cluster Linux. Experienced with Sun
Solaris 5.7 $\rightarrow$ 5.9, Microsoft Windows and to some extent Mac OS
X which is very *nix like.
\item[Servers and databases] Apache2, munin, openssh, subversion, NFS, CUPS, MySQL.
\item[CMF, CMS and CMS-like systems] Xoops, Wordpress, Drupal, Limesurvey.
\item[Programming, scripting and markup languages] Python, Bash and
tcsh (daily). PHP, \LaTeXe, HTML, CSS, matlab (Often). C++ and Fortran (seldomly).
\item[Courses] Attended 5 days NetApp course, 5 days RHCE Rapid Track Course.
\item[Certifications] Red Hat Certified Technician.
\item[Open source projetcs] Co-author and owner of the python based open
source project Sinthgunt. An easy python/GTK frontend to ffmpeg using more
than 100 pre-configured conversion settings. Included in the repositories
of various Linux distributions.\\ \url{http://code.google.com/p/sinthgunt/}