% Insert your personal information
\myTitle{Smile, you are in Bahia}
\mySubTitle{New way of seeing life}
\myAuthor{Leonardo Souza}
% Use these commands to adjust the position
\titleXShift{-2cm} % Shift the title horizontally. Use negative for left, positive for right.
\titleYShift{2cm} % Shift the title vertically. Use negative for down, positive for up.
\subtitleXShift{-2cm} % Shift the title horizontally. Use negative for left, positive for right.
\subtitleYShift{2cm} % Shift the title vertically. Use negative for down, positive for up.
% Specify the font for the title and subtitle
\begin{frame}{\center Title}
Some text
\begin{frame}{\center Title}
Some text 2
% Your content for the last slide
\huge Thank you!
% Other frames and content