\setbeamersize{text margin left=10pt,text margin right=10pt}
% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
% the beginning of each subsection:
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=lubrown,top=lubrown]
\setbeamertemplate{section page}[mysection]
\title{Beamer Template for Lehigh University}
\subtitle{Not endorsed by anyone at Lehigh}
\author{Alexander B. Pacheco}
\institute{\href{http://researchcomputing.lehigh.edu}{LTS Research Computing}}
% footer logo
%titlepage logo
\item Several students attending the LTS Seminar wanted to use it so that I put it in a format that is usable.
\item Modify if you have suggestions to improve it and pass on the modifications so that anyone interested in using \LaTeX for presentations could benefit.
\section{How to}
\frametitle{How to use it}
\framesubtitle{How to install it to your path}
\item Place the contents within your TEXINPUTS path.
\item On Linux, modify the TEXINPUTS variable to point to the directory where these files exist.
\item For example: \Verb[formatcom=\color{lublue},fontseries=b,commandchars=\\\{\}]|export TEXINPUTS=\$\{HOME\}/LaTeX//:\$\{TEXINPUTS\}|
\item On MacTeX, you need to install it to \$\{HOME\}/Library/texmf
\item If you have admin permission copy it to your \TeX{} tree to the directory where the other beamer themes are located e.g. /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/beamer/themes
\item To use the theme, add the command \Verb[formatcom=\color{lublue},fontseries=b,commandchars=\\\{\}]|\textbackslash{}usetheme\{lehigh\}| to the preamble of your document.
\item Compile using pdflatex to get the pdf file.
\item Feel free to modify the theme to suit your needs.
\item NO, I won't modify the theme for your needs.
\begin{frame}{ }
\item 'quote' or \textquoteleft{}quote\textquoteright{}
\item "double quote" or \textquotedblleft{}double quote\textquotedblright{}
\item " ` " \`{}