Ben Feng
Last Updated:
a year ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template for the abstracts to MCQMC 2024.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[class=article, crop=false]{standalone}
%%%%% Do NOT make changes above this line %%%%%
%%%%% Author block rules:
% 1. First author should be listed first.
% 2. Authors should be grouped by affiliations.
% 3. If an author is affiliated with multiple institutions.
% 3.1 List one main institution in the main text.
% 3.2 List the other institution(s) inside \thanks{}.
%%%% Author(s) affiliated with the first institution
\author{FirstName1 LastName1\thanks{Corresponding author. Email address: fancyemail@uwaterloo.ca.}}
\author{FirstName2 LastName2\thanks{Email address: helloworld@uwaterloo.ca. Secondary institution(s), if any, should be listed here.}}
\affil{Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science\\ University of Waterloo, Canada}
%%%% Authors affiliated with the second institution
\author{FirstName3 LastName3\thanks{Email address: happylife@uwaterloo.ca}}
\affil{Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences\\ Northwestern University, USA}
% Document starts here
The abstract should be between 1 - 5 paragraphs and is limited to 500 words.
The title will appear in UPPERCASE text. Author name(s) and affiliation(s) appear next.
The abstract should not contain references, numbered equations, tables, or figures.
For math expressions, inline math is preferred (as oppose to display mode).
All abstracts will be typeset as a single LaTeX document.
For this reason, please keep the abstract simple and refrain from using complex LaTeX features.
For example, you may use Greek letters and mathematical expressions in the abstract, but please do not define or redefine LaTeX commends globally using ``\textbackslash newcommand'', ``\textbackslash renewcommand'', or ``\textbackslash def''.
Do not include any keywords.