\usepackage[english, portuguese]{babel}
\usepackage{setspace} % espacamento entre linhas
abnt-emphasize=bf, % Modificação para texto em negrito.
\fancyhead{ }
\chead{\footnotesize Tittle 2 of the article}
\cfoot{Journal of Mechatronics Engineering, v. xx, n. y, p. zzz - www, jan. 2018}
\rfoot{\thepage}%Direita do Rodapé
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1pt}% Traço horizontal no cabeçalho
%\hyphenation{po-pu-la-ri-za-ção re-gis-tros do-mi-na-do-ra vio-la pe-ram-bu-lam dou-tri-na-ria-men-te co-nhe-ce-rem Ad-mis-tra-ção fa-bri-car so-cie-da-de in-fe-rio-res vee-men-te-men-te si-tua-ção pon-tuais}
\renewcommand{\captionlabelfont}{\footnotesize \bfseries}
\title{ \begin{picture}(0,0) \put(-10,40){\includegraphics[width=5cm]{JME_Logo}} \end{picture} Title of the article}
$^{1}$Institution 1 (SIGLA1) \\
$^{2}$Institution 2 (SIGLA2)\\
$^{3}$Institution 3 (SIGLA3)\\ \\
\url{xxxx@yyy.br},~ \url{zzzz@rrr.com}, \\ ~ \url{tyuoo@uuu.br},~ \url{qqqq@ifxx.edu.br}\\ \\ DOI: xx.yyyyy/jme.v1i1.001} % Do not fill in DOI.
\author{Autor 1$^{1}$, Autor 2$^{1}$, \\ Autor 3$^{2}$$^{,}$$^{3}$, Autor 4$^{3}$ }
\abstract{Maximum 200 words.}
\keywords{Keyword1. Keyword2. Keyword3. Keyword5. Keyword5. (maximum 5 keywords).}
%\receivedate{July 19th, 2011}
%\acceptdate{September 1st, 2011}
\pagestyle{fancy} % CABECALHOO
Write introduction.
\section{Bibliographic review or state of art}
Write Bibliographic review or state of art.
Example of equation:
\section{Methodology or Matherials and Methods}
Write Methodology.
\section{Results and discussion}
Write results.
An example of figure is shown in Figure \ref{Fig1}. An example of table can be seen in Table \ref{Tab1}.
\caption{Imagem da revista do IFCE. Fonte: (quando houver) inserir texto nesta posição.}
\caption{Styles to be used.}
\textbf{Element} & \vline \textbf{Alignment} \\ \hline
Title of the article & \vline Centralized \\ \hline
Abstract & \vline Justified \\ \hline
Keywords & \vline Left \\ \hline
Section's title & \vline Left \\ \hline
Subsection's title & \vline Left \\ \hline
Text & \vline Justified \\ \hline
Caption of the figure or table & \vline Centralized \\ \hline
Footnote & \vline Justified \\ \hline
\section{Conflict of interest}
Is there any conflict of interest?
Write Conclusion.
Examples of citation:
\item \nocite{Alexandria2014} - No citation \textit{nocite{}};
\item \cite{dana2010integral} - indirect citation;
\item \citeonline{dana2010integral} - direct citation.
\item Article, paper \cite{dana2010integral};
\item Book \cite{Dorigo2008};
\item Internet link \cite{Reis2012};
\item Book chapter \cite{Tavares2014};
\item Thesis \cite{elfes1989occupancy} and dissertation \cite{Hsia2006};
\item Conference \cite{Garrote2017};
% ---