ICube Letterhead Paper (eng. translation)
Vincent Mazet (original) Bart Geurten (translation)
Last Updated
a month ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
An English translation of Vincent Mazets template: Papier à en-tête ICube
An English translation of Vincent Mazets template: Papier à en-tête ICube
% ICube Letterhead Paper
% Version of February 3, 2013
% Info and bugs:
% General packages
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Encoding of the TeX file
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Encoding of the PDF file (cm-super or lmodern packages must be installed for good results)
\usepackage{graphicx} % Logos and other illustrations
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Headers and footers
\usepackage{color} % Color
\usepackage{ifthen} % Condition
\usepackage{helvet} % Helvetica font
\usepackage[english]{babel} % Letter in English
% \usepackage[french]{babel} % Letter in French
\input{icube-style} % Letterhead style
% Location and date
\locationdate{Illkirch, \today}
% Parent organizations
\logoengees % ENGEES Logo
% \nologoengees % No ENGEES Logo
\logoinsa % INSA Logo
% \nologoinsa % No INSA Logo
% Sender
Associate Professor, \\
Tel: +33 (0)3 68 85 44 91 \\
% Case followed by...
First Name Last Name \\
Tel: \\
Email: \\
% Laboratory address
Télécom Physique Strasbourg \\
300 bd Sébastien Brant -- BP 10413 \\
F--67412 Illkirch cedex \\
% Recipient
ICube Laboratory \\
300 boulevard Sébastien Brant \\
BP 10413 \\
67412 Illkirch Cedex -- France
% Subject
Subject: writing a letter with letterhead in \LaTeX{}
Dear Sir or Madam,
The \LaTeX{} version of the ICube laboratory letterhead is configurable with the following elements:
\item \texttt{$\backslash{}$locationdate\{\dots\}} allows you to indicate the location and date at the top right on the first page;
\item \texttt{$\backslash{}$senderinfo\{\textit{First Name}\}\{\textit{Last Name}\}\{\dots\}} is written in the margin and identifies the author of the letter. Indicate your first name, last name, and contact information;
\item \texttt{$\backslash{}$casefollowup\{\dots\}} provides information about the person following the case;
\item \texttt{$\backslash{}$labaddress\{\dots\}} contains the laboratory address, to be customized according to the site you are at;
\item \texttt{$\backslash{}$recipient\{\dots\}} corresponds to the recipient of the letter;
\item ICube has four parent organizations. The CNRS and the University of Strasbourg must appear. However, ENGEES and INSA are optional; they can be displayed with the commands \texttt{$\backslash$logoengees} and \texttt{$\backslash$logoinsa} or hidden with the commands \texttt{$\backslash$nologoengees} and \texttt{$\backslash$nologoinsa}.
This document requires the logos of the parent organizations (files cnrs.eps, engees.eps, icube.eps, icube-sign.eps, insa.eps, and unistra.eps) and the following packages:
\item fontenc, to create PDF files with correct fonts (the cm-super or lmodern packages must be installed for good results);
\item graphicx to display images (in this case, the logos);
\item fancyhdr, to modify the headers and footers;
\item color, to support the color scheme;
\item ifthen, to handle conditions;
\item helvet to write with the Helvetica font;
\item babel, with the option french or english to account for language specifics.
The icube-style.tex file is essential: it contains the necessary commands for compilation.
The included logos are in EPS format. Therefore, the compilation should be done with the commands \texttt{latex}, \texttt{dvitops}, and \texttt{pstopdf}.
This document corresponds to the version of \today.
For any additional information, or to report a correction, please send me an email at
Yours sincerely,
\hfill Vincent Mazet