Richard Wong
Last Updated:
a year ago
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
A beamer theme with background image supports.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%%%%%% Refer to beamerthemehelianthus.md for details of using the package %%%%%%%
\title{Slide title}
\subtitle{Slide subtitle}
\author{Richard Wong}
\institute[rtk]{Institute of Richard Wong}
\date{1 January 2023}
\leftfooter{Created with \LaTeX}
\rightfooter{Powered by Beamer}
\begin{frame}{Frame with text}
\framesubtitle{Frame subtitle}
\textbf{Some centered-bold text}
Refer to \texttt{beamerthemehelianthus.md} for description of how to use this beamer theme
\begin{frame}{Frame with blocks}
\begin{block}{Block title}
Block body
\begin{alertblock}{Alert block title}
Block body
\begin{exampleblock}{Example block title}
Block body
\begin{frame}{Enumerated items}
This is the style of enumerated items.
\item item one
\item item two
\item item three
\begin{frame}{Itemized items}
\framesubtitle{Itemized items}
This is the style of itemized items.
\item item one
\item item two
\item item three
\begin{frame}{Frame with table and footnote}
% \renewcommand*{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
\textit{Column one} & \textit{Column two} & \textit{Column three} & \\\hline
\textbf{Row one} & \footnote{item a}a & info & 20\% \\
\textbf{Row two} & \footnote{item b}b & info & 10\% \\
\textbf{Row three} & \footnotemark[2]b, \footnote{item c}c & info & 20\% \\\hline
& & \textbf{Total} & \textbf{50\%}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\node[anchor=east,font=\bfseries\Huge] at ([xshift=-2ex]current page.east) {\textcolor{white}{Thank} \textcolor{orange}{you}};