ALMA Cycle 8 proposal
uploaded by Jorge Zavala (original template from
Last Updated
3 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for Regular, DDT, ToO, or mm-VLBI proposals
%% LaTeX template for the science justification to be %%
%% submitted as part of a regular ALMA proposal. %%
%% This template should also be used for a ToO, DDT, or %%
%% mm-VLBI ALMA proposal, but NOT for Large Programs %%
%% (these have a separate template with more sections) %%
%% %%
%% ALMA Cycle 8 2021 %%
%% %%
%%%%% How to convert this document to PDF %%%%%%%%
% If your figures are stored as PostScript files, you can use the
% following commands to generate a PDF file of your proposal:
%% latex file.tex
%% dvips file.dvi
%% ps2pdf file.pdf
% If your figures are PDF images or bitmap pictures in PNG, JPG, or GIF format,
% you can use the pdflatex command to generate a PDF file from this template
% (note, however, that the pdflatex command does not handle PostScript files):
% pdflatex file.tex
% Warnings:
% 1. You must make sure that PDF output generated from this
% template is complete both when displayed with a viewer
% (acroread, for example) and when printed on paper.
% LaTeX installations vary greatly and therefore it might
% not be possible to get all proposals to come out
% correctly with a single text page layout.
% In some cases you will have to adjust the
% \topmargin=-7mm command in the template to center the
% text vertically in the page.
% 2. The scientific justification, figures, tables, references,
% and public outreach statement must all fit within the
% 4-page limit.
% 3. You are free to include colour images in your proposal justification.
% Proposals are distributed to ALMA Review Panels and to distributed
% peer review reviewers in electronic form.
% However, the scientific content of the images should still remain
% clear when displayed or printed in black and white.
% 4. This template is for regular, ToO, DDT, or mm-VLBI ALMA proposals,
% but NOT for Large Programs: these have a separate template with
% more sections, and is available from the ALMA Science Portal
%%%%% Default format: 12pt single column %%%%%
%% 12pt is the minimum font size allowed !! %%
%% This applies to everything, including %%
%% references, figure captions, and tables %%
%% ==> Proposals not compliant to this will %%
%% be rejected. See Section 5.3.1 in %%
%% the ALMA Proposer's Guide %%
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} %% DO NOT CHANGE to 11pt or less !
%%%%%% Page dimensions %%%%%
%%%%%% DO NOT CHANGE %%%%%
\parindent 10pt
%%%%% Start of document %%%%%
% The title, abstract and list of investigators should NOT be included in the
% Scientific justification. The title and abstract are put automatically on the cover page.
%%%%% Body of science justification %%%%%
%% Minimum font size for all text, references, figure captions, and tables is 12pt
%% Proposals not compliant to this will be rejected. See Section 5.3.1 in the ALMA Proposer's Guide.
\section{Scientific justification}
% NEW FOR CYCLE 8 (2021): ALMA will use two systems to review the proposals submitted in the Main Call.
% All proposals requesting less than 25 h on the 12-m Array and all ACA stand-alone proposals requesting less
% than 150 h on the 7-m Array will be reviewed by Distributed peer review (see Section 5.2 of the Proposers Guide).
% All Large Programs and all proposals requesting between 25 to 50 h on the 12-m Array will be reviewed by Panels.
% Additionally, both systems will follow a dual-anonymous procedure, in which the proposers do not know
% who are the reviewers and the reviews do not who are the proposers.
% Please refer to the guidelines before writing your proposal:
% In the following part, describe the scientific background of the project,
% pertinent references and previous work relevant to this
% proposal, together with any figures and tables that you judge necessary
% (use the following two examples as templates, or remove)
% Please do not disclose the name(s) of the proposer(s), and write the proposal in a way
% such that the proposer(s) cannot be identified.
%-----------------------------Figure Start---------------------------
% The 'scale' parameter below allows you to scale the figure so that it fits within the page.
% In this case the figure was scaled to 20% of its original size.
% Note: for .png files one has to use pdflatex, not classic latex
% Minimum font size for references: 12pt
% Proposals not compliant to this will be rejected. See Section 5.3.1 in the ALMA Proposer's Guide.
\caption{\em{ALMA image of the protoplanetary disc surrounding the young star HL Tauri.}}
%-----------------------------Figure End------------------------------
%-----------------------------Table Start-----------------------------
% Minimum font size for references: 12pt
% Proposals not compliant to this will be rejected. See Section 5.3.1 in the ALMA Proposer's Guide.
\caption[]{\em{Here we show the continuum sensitivity required per band.}}
\hline \noalign {\smallskip}
Frequency (GHz) & Sensitivity (mJy) \\
\hline \noalign {\smallskip}
300 & 0.10 \\
850 & 0.50 \\
\hline \noalign {\smallskip}
%-----------------------------Table End ------------------------------
\section{Description of observations}
% Please describe the observations to be made and their specific
% purpose, with a clear explanation of the need for, and
% appropriateness of, ALMA Cycle 8 2021 data.
% List references here
% Minimum font size for references: 12pt
% Proposals not compliant to this will be rejected. See Section 5.3.1 in the ALMA Proposer's Guide.
\noindent [1] Author1 et al. year, journal, vol, page
\noindent [2] Author2 et al. year, journal, vol, page
%%%%% End of document %%%%%