A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
This template follows the habilitation regulations of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (UZH) as of May 10th, 2024 as found at:
To start using the template, read the file "README.tex". This will make things much easier for you.
The template is provided "as-is". No warranties are given.
A template for Master's / Bachelor's thesis at Polytechnic of Turin. It is compatible with the latest version of toptesi in Overleaf (2018) as well as the latest one in TeXLive 2019.
This is an (unofficial) free-of-errors LaTeX template for a Ph.D. thesis at EPFL. The original files can be found on this repository.
Mahmoud Shaqfa implemented only slight modifications on the original template and uploaded it on Overleaf for wider outreach. It is distributed under the MIT license conditions.
This is a LaTeX template for São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Project.
For information about FAPESP, visit the site http://www.fapesp.br/en
Este é um modelo LaTeX para o projeto da Fundação de Ampario à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).
Para mais informações sobre a FAPESP, visite o site http://www.fapesp.br/en
Author/Autor: André Leon Sampaio Gradvohl, Dr.
Email: gradvohl@ft.unicamp.br
Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9343261628675642
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6520-9740
FAPESP: https://bv.fapesp.br/en/pesquisador/102636
Last update/Última versão: 27/Oct/2019
A bare-bones example of a LaTeX document that utilises Markdown for the body text, BibTeX references, and citations in the Harvard 'agsm' format. Designed to provide a low-fuss entry into the world of LaTeX, with as little LaTeX as possible.
Example template developed for the UWL Recording Project class 2019.
A generic template for large documents written at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo. Suitable for reports, lecture notes and master's theses.
Documentation for the front page:
Useful tips for large documents:
Martin Helsø
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