Partha Pratim Saha's Curriculum Vitae
Parthapratim Saha
Last Updated:
7 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Partha Pratim Saha's CV

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Partha Pratim Saha's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% personal data
\name{Partha}{Pratim Saha}
%\title{Curriculum Vitae} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\address{Halisahar, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India-743136}{}{}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
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\small{I am passionate about research and love reading research papers. I am highly interested to pursue doctoral degree in a related area of data analytics \& machine learning.}
\item \textbf{Technical: } C, Python, Core Java, iOS, Objective-C, C++, Data Mining techniques, Tensorflow(currently learning), SubVersion(SVN), Github, Matlab, LaTeX\\ \textbf{Have basic ability with}: VHDL, Android applications development
\item Implemented \textbf{Machine Learning algorithms} using Python. Highly interested to work on \textbf{R}.
\item\textbf{Managerial and business skills:}{ Run \textbf{family business} along with my father since I was in 7th std. I have \textbf{acquired business and managerial skills on handling people, facing clients \& customers of different cultures, managing time and finances on different economic conditions along with my study.}}
\item \textbf{Web basics:} Kibana, ElasticSearch \& Logstash (ELK).
\item \textbf{Languages:} English, Hindi, Bengali.
\item{\textbf{Implemented Machine Learning techniques}}
\item worked on \textbf{decision tree}, \textbf{gradient descent}, \textbf{metric learning using }\textbf{k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)}, \textbf{Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)}, basics of convex optimization, \textbf{Support Vector Machine (SVM)}.
\item{\textbf{Biological Sequence Alignment using Python}}
\item Used \textbf{dynamic programming} to transform given DNA sequences into another sequence using minimum number of insertion, deletion, or substitution operations.
\item For evolutionary relationship, I used \textbf{Phylogenetic tree}.
\item{\textbf{Kernel Programming on Ubuntu 16.04}
\item Wrote and added custom modules to Ubuntu kernel, analyzed performance of synchronization mechanisms using linux locks in C.
\item{\href{https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lexis-advance/id409136268?mt=8}{\textbf{\textit{Lexis Advance®,}}} \textit{'iOS application for \textbf{LexisNexis Inc., USA}'}
\item As an iOS developer, I worked on \textbf{Alert} module, that notifies the user before any offline document is about to expire.
\item Improved software bug resolution process by 20 percent w.r.t 2013 release cycle.
\item Check out the code from \textbf{SVN}, merge the code after finishing up the implementation with the original one, remove conflicts if any, and finally check in to SVN.
\item{\textbf{Molina Health Care Medicaid Solution,} \textit{'\textbf{iPhone application} for \textbf{MolinaHealthcare Inc.}'}
\item Coordinated with product engineering team to develop new features to the doctors and their patients.
\item{\textbf{Branch correlation using} \textbf{data mining approach using python}}
\item Used \textbf{ROSE compiler} that automatically instruments the given program to generate dynamic outcome (T/F) along with static branch identifier (example: line number)
\item The generated data was analyzed over multiple executions of the program to predict which conditional branches were likely to be correlated in the given program.
\section{Employment \& Work Experience}
\item{\cventry{Dec 2017 - present}{Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)}{Assistant Engineer(IT)}{Mejia, W.B., India}{}{\vspace{3pt}\begin{itemize}
\item Led a team of 3 engineers for an official Inspection duty, resulting in a \textbf{33 percent reduction} in time and thereby increasing efficiency and making cost effective.\end{itemize}}{}
\item Handling more users and finishing all pending work-orders, thus resulting \textbf{10 percent increase} in processing user's pending files w.r.t FY 2017-2018\end{itemize}}{\vspace{3pt}\begin{itemize}\item Documented process flow of \textbf{Enterprise Business Application(EBA)} for processing ad-hoc contracts and work orders, inspected and met deadlines in purchasing and storing of new computers.\end{itemize}}{}}
\item{\cventry{Jan 2016 - Nov 2016}{TATA Consultancy Services}{I.T. Analyst}{Bangalore, India}{}{\vspace{3pt}\begin{itemize} \item Implemented login automation process that does automated processing using Python for the users into Apple's Server and will finally log them out successfully from the server launchpad.\end{itemize}}}
\item{\cventry{Jan 2011 - July 2015}{Infosys Technologies Limited}{Senior Systems Engineer}{Chennai, India}{}{\vspace{3pt}\begin{itemize} \item Developed iPhone \& iPad applications using objective-c. One of the applications \href{https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lexis-advance/id409136268?mt=8}{\textit{LexisAdvanceHD}} currently live in AppleStore.\end{itemize}}}
\section{Academic Qualifications}
\item{\cventry{Aug2006 - July2010}{B.Tech., Computer Science \& Engg}{West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT)}{WB, India}{\textit{\textbf{Cumulative Grade Point/CPI:} \textbf{8.49/10.0}}}{}}
\item{\cventry{July2004 - June2006}{Higher Secondary (12th Grade)}{K.H.H.S., Kanchrapara}{WB, India}{\textit{Aggregate: 73\%}}{}} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\item{\cventry{May2003 - June2004}{Secondary (10th Grade)}{K.H.H.S., Kanchrapara}{WB, India}{\textit{Aggregate: 78\%}}{}}
\section{Extra-curricular interests}
\item{Completed Infosys Certification \textbf{Cocoa iDeveloper certification 201b : TENRAPDEVICS2011}.}
\item{Gave a talk on \textbf{‘Algorithmic Thinking’} at Infosys Bhubaneswar, India.}
\item {\textbf{Mr. Akhil Kumar Das}, Assistant Professor (erstwhile head of the department), Faculty of Technology, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV), Cooch Behar, India; Email: \textbf{dasakhi@gmail.com}}
\item {\textbf{Mr. Avijit Roy}, Senior Package Solution Consutant, IBM India, Calcutta, India; Email: \textbf{avijroy8@in.ibm.com}}
\item {\textbf{Mr. Debasis Mandal}, Assistant Professor (HoD), Computer Science \& Engineering, IMPS College of Engineering; Email: \textbf{debimps07@gmail.com}}
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