% Contributors
% ------------
% * ifokkema
% * Bertbk
% * Hespe
% Attributions
% ------------
% * ThirtyNinesecondscv is based on the fortysecondscv class
% showframes,
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% sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
bubble fill opacity = 0.8,
%% mandatory information
% your name
\cvname{Any Name}
% job title/career
%Mechanical engineer,\\[0.2em] Mechanical scholar
%% optional information
% profile picture
% NOTE: ordering in the sidebar will mimic the following order
% date of birth
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% phone number
\cvphone{+1 919 19 19 191}
% personal website
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% email address
% pgp key
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% off----------------------------------------------------------------------
% any other custom entry
% add more profile sections to sidebar on first page
% include gosquare national flags from https://github.com/gosquared/flags;
% naming according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
% pictures, icons and drawings
%\faLinkedinSquare Linkedin in square
%\faLinkedin LinkedIn
%\faGithub GitHub
%\faPhoneSquare Phone
%\faMediumM Medium
%\faMortarBoard graduation
%\aiResearchGateSquare ResearchGate Square
%\aiResearchGate ResearchGate
%\aiGoogleScholar Google Scholar
%\aiGoogleScholarSquare Google scholar-square
% social network accounts incl. proper hyperlinks
% Social
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\profilesection{Online Platforms}
\social{\aiGoogleScholarSquare}{https://scholar.google.com} {Google Scholar Page Link}
\social{\aiResearchGateSquare}{https://www.researchgate.net} {ResearchGate Page Link}
\social{\faLinkedin}{https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamid-souzangar-95b197195/}{\textbf{Real Linkedin Page of the writer}}
\social{\faMedium}{https://medium.com}{Medium Weblog Link}
\social{\faGithub}{https://github.com}{Github Project Page Link}
% Languages
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Hard Skills
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\profilesection{Hard Skills}
\subskill[1.0em]{\faCaretRight}{Python, C++, FORTLAN}
\skill{\faChevronRight}{Marketing skills}
\skill{\faChevronRight}{Data analysis skills}
\subskill[1.2em]{\faCaretRight}{ Written 101 books via \LaTeX}{}
\profilesection{About Me}
You can add anything here about yourself.
\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{My professional }} \\
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{life at a glance}}, % center bubble
\chartlabel{Wheel Chart}
\barskill{\faSkyatlas}{Writing a CV}{05}
\barskill{\faImage}{Judging a CV}{90}
% References
{Mr. Someone}
{Department of CV studies, Moon}
%\faGithub GitHub
%\faPhoneSquare Phone
%\\faMediumM Medium
%\faMortarBoard graduation
%\aiResearchGateSquare ResearchGate Square
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\cvitem
% #1 {icon}
% #2 {<cv-item title>}
% #3 {year}
% #4 {<location>}
% #5 {<optional: description>}
{M.Sc. Writing CV Engineering}
{Moon University, Moon}
{ }
{~Thesis Topic:}{How to write a CV with \LaTeX}
{B.Sc. Reading CV engineering}
{Venus University, Venus}
%--------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
%------------------------- -Selected Courses--------------------------------
%---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{Selected Courses}
% [ \textbf{Core courses:}]
\item First 4/4
\item Second 4/4
\item Third 4/4
\textbf{Other Courses:}
{\footnotesize \begin{itemize}
\item Programming~(MATLAB, Fortran, and C++)
\item Machine Learning with Python
\item AI
\item[2017] \textbf{A, name}, Mr someone$ ^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.50,1.00}{\textbf{1}}} $, \textit{jhsdkgfkjdshgfdjfhg kjfsdhflkdshfkjhsfdklhf jkdsfh jdfhksfdsl,} Applied CV Modelling. 501 (1917) 546–560. \\ \href{https://doi.org}{{\selectfont
\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.00,0.55}{doi: 10.1016. }}} \hfill \textbf{{\footnotesize Impact Factor: 22.841 Q1}}
%--------------------------Research Interest--------------------------------
\cvsection{Research Interest}
% \item Product development
%\item Decision-making
\item Additive manufacturing
%\item Solid Mechanic
% \item Finite Element Modelling
\item Operations Research
\item Machine learning
\item Optimization
% \newgeometry{
% top=\topbottommargin,
% bottom=\topbottommargin,
% right=\leftrightmargin,
% left=\leftrightmargin
% }
\cvsection{Academic Experience}
{CV Design and Evaluation}
{Dr. someone's Lab}
{$\bullet$ Developed, evaluated, and designed innovative CV template.\\
$\bullet$ Conducted various analyses on the CV. \\
$\bullet$ Simulated CV formation }
{Green CV Process Selection}
{Dr. Other's Lab}
{$\bullet$ Successfully selected CV processes under uncertain conditions. \\
%---------------- {Work Experience}---------------------------------------------
\cvsection{Work Experience}
{CV eriting Assistant}
{Since 1917}
{Moon University}
$\bullet$ Teaching: how to Write a terrible CV
% Extra-Curricular Activities
\cvsection{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\cvitemshort{DIY}{Built a \textbf{REAL CV} }