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%NOTE: When pagebackref=true an error will appear at the end of compiling. press `q' to ignore
%NOTE: Referencing Algorithms does not work if this usepackage is before the hyperref include.!!
%NOTE: More packages may need to be added to provide additional functionality
%%%%%%%%%%%% REFERENCING STYLES %%%%%%%%%%%%
% Comment/Uncomment based on preference or requirement
\usepackage[style=authoryear,giveninits,backend=biber]{biblatex} % Harvard, RGU prefers this
%\usepackage{biblatex} % Vancouver, most people prefer this as it is simpler to follow!
%%%%%%%%%%%% TRACK CHANGES AND ANNOTATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%
% If you want to add notes, highlight or have your supervisor track changes, we recommend using these packages.
% TODONOTES: https://tug.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/todonotes/todonotes.pdf
% Soul: https://cs.brown.edu/about/system/managed/latex/doc/soul.pdf
%%%%%%%%%% HYPERREF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[pagebackref=false,pdffitwindow=true]{hyperref} %NOTE: For this package to work properly, it has to be the last one!
pdftitle = {Report Title},
pdfauthor = {Author Name},
pdfsubject = {Subject Area},
pdfkeywords = {Comma separated list of keywords},
colorlinks = true, anchorcolor = blue, filecolor = blue, urlcolor = blue,
linkcolor = blue, %NOTE: change (blue) to (colIdentifier) to have links within the document in Black
citecolor = blue, %NOTE: change (blue) to (colIdentifier) to have citation links within the document in Black
%NOTE: Setup for including program listings
keywordstyle=\color{colIdentifier}, %
commentstyle=\color{colIdentifier}, %
extendedchars=true, %
numbers=left, %
breakautoindent=true, %
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%NOTE: END of the document configuration settings
%NOTE: When inserting Figures if the extension of the graphic file is not provided LaTeX will automatically search
% for the extensions declared above, in the order declared.
\title{\huge{Report Title}}
\author{Author Full Name}
\degreetitle{Degree Title} % Replace with appropriate degree
\rpttype{Degree} % Replace MSc with BSc for Honours Degree Year projects.
\principaladviser{Dr. XXX XXX}
\listofalgorithms %NOTE: Will generate a list of Algorithms in the Table of Contents Section
\lstlistoflistings %NOTE: Will generate a list of Program Listings in the Table of Contents Section
%NOTE: Include the relative reference for each chapter to be included
% dividing the thesis file structure into a number of directories aids development
% format: directoryName/filename (the .tex extension is not required for the filename)
\include{usingLatex/usingLatex} % We recommend commenting this section out (that is, adding a % symbol before the \include) as this section only contains the instructions and a sample on how to use this template
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%NOTE: set the style for the bibliography and display the references used within the document
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