% Template for PERI - Revista de Filosofia
% ISSN 2175-1811, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil
%e-mail: revistaperi@contato.ufsc.br
%site: http://www.nexos.ufsc.br/index.php/peri
% This template contains the following files:
% peri.cls - peri's document class (please don't modify things there);
% template.tex - type your paper here;
% template.pdf - things should look like this;
% references - bibliography file
\usepackage[english]{babel} % define the language of your article. Compatible with: portuguese, english, spanish and french.
%required packages:
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %if you are not using XeLaTeX as a compiler, enable this package.
%custom packages: please, keep it simple
%if needed, define your custom ambient for axioms, theorems, etc.
%title of your paper
\title{Writting for PERI in \LaTeX}
% Author information (please, leave blank)
\author{Please leave blank\thanks{Affiliation; Funding info. E-mail.}}
Abstract in the main language of the article.
\begin{palavraschave} Word1, Word 2, Word 3
Abstract in portuguese. (If the main language is portuguese, write this abstract in english. \end{abstract}
Palavra1, Palavra2, Palavra3.
\section*{First section}
Sections are not numbered. There are no subsections or subsubsections allowed. Please use the ``*'' character to organize your text \begin{verbatim}
References follow the \texttt{abntex2cite} package.\footnote{This is a footnote. See https://www.ctan.org/pkg/abntex2 for more information on the package.} For short quotations (up to 3 lines): ``text up to three lines (in the .pdf file, not here)'' \cite[p.~1]{template_test}. If you don't want to mention the page: \cite{template_test}. To compile the author's surname, the year and/or page of the publication, use the command: \citeonline[p.~32]{template_test}. For long quotations, use the \texttt{quotation} ambient.
\section*{Second section}
This is the second section. \textit{This is an emphasis}.
This is a subsection.
This is a subsubsection.
\bibliography{references} %insert the name of your .bib file here
% well done!