\title{UTHM Beamer Theme}
\subtitle{A Minimal Working Example}
\author{Johnson Lim}
\institute{FPTV, UTHM}
\date{5 May 2016}
% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
% the beginning of each section:
\frametitle{Features of \LaTeX beamer}
\item Complicated, elegant templates
\item Viewers can see the progress of the presentation
\item Nice boxes for theorems, definitions, etc.
\item With extra options and goodness comes complication
\item This is point one
\item This is point two
\item This is point three
\item This is point four
\section{Definition and Boxes}
\frametitle{Definition and Boxes}
Manufacturing resource planning is defined as a method for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing company.
\begin{block}{Block title}
This is an example block text.