% \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}
\setmainfont{Noto Serif}
\setsansfont{Noto Sans}
\setCJKsansfont{Noto Sans CJK SC}
\newcommand{\tqLemma}[4][]{\node[lemma] (#2) [draw=#3,fill=#3!30,
#1] {#4} ;}
\tikzset{every node/.append style={draw}}
\tikzset{lemma/.append style={rectangle, rounded corners, on chain}}
\tikzset{every label/.append style={semicircle, font={\tiny},label distance=-.5pt,inner sep=1pt}}
% Serifs!
\node (axis) [circle,inner sep=.3em,draw=gray,fill=gray!30] {};
% First layer (inner) circle
\begin{scope}[start chain=inner circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*32.72:6em)}]
\newfontfamily\thaifont[Script=Thai]{Noto Serif Thai} % Is already the main font
\tqLemma[font=\tengwarfont]{qya}{Goldenrod}{9C\kern1pt 4\#5\$\char0204};
%% Commands that I'd use if only tengwarscript worked with xelatex
% \Thyarmen\TTthreedots\Tanto\TTthreedots
% };
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic]{Noto Naskh Arabic}
\newfontfamily\tamilfont[Script=Tamil]{Noto Serif Tamil}
%% 2nd layer
\begin{scope}[start chain=outer circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*32.72-16.36:10.8em)}]
\newfontfamily\hindifont[Script=Devanagari]{Noto Serif Devanagari}
\tqLemma{msa}{ForestGreen}{Terima kasih}
\tqLemma{eng}{Tomato}{Thank you}
\tqLemma{gla}{Chocolate}{Tapadh leibh}
\tqLemma{gle}{Tan}{Go raibh maith agaibh}
\tqLemma{vie}{LawnGreen}{Xin cảm ơn}
%% 3rd layer now...
\begin{scope}[start chain=inner circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*32.72-32.72:13em)}]
\tqLemma{tur}{Chocolate}{Teşekkür ederim}
\path[draw=gray,thick,shorten >=-2pt] (axis)
edge (eng)
edge (msa)
edge (kor)
edge (ell)
edge (hin)
edge (vie)
edge (gle)
edge (bod)
edge (gla)
edge (jpn)
edge (tha)
edge (por)
edge (deu)
edge (zho)
edge (ita)
edge (tam)
edge (rus)
edge (fra)
edge (ara)
edge (spa)
edge (qya)
edge (tlh)
edge (tur)
edge (hun);
% Sans serif! (e.g. for presentations)
\begin{tikzpicture}[lemma/.append style={font=\sffamily}]
\node (axis) [circle,inner sep=.3em,draw=gray,fill=gray!30] {};
% First layer (inner) circle
\begin{scope}[start chain=inner circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*32.72:6em)}]
\newfontfamily\thaifont[Script=Thai]{Noto Sans Thai}
% I don't think I've seen a nice "sans serif"
% Tengwar font anywhere, so reusing the same.
\tqLemma[font=\tengwarfont]{qya}{Goldenrod}{9C\kern1pt 4\#5\$\char0204};
%% Commands that I'd use if only tengwarscript worked with xelatex
% \Thyarmen\TTthreedots\Tanto\TTthreedots
% };
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic]{Noto Kufi Arabic}
\newfontfamily\tamilfont[Script=Tamil]{Noto Sans Tamil}
%% 2nd layer
\begin{scope}[start chain=outer circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*32.72-16.36:10.57em)}]
\newCJKfontfamily\kofontsf{Noto Sans CJK KR}
\newfontfamily\hindifont[Script=Devanagari]{Noto Sans Devanagari}
\tqLemma{msa}{ForestGreen}{Terima kasih}
\tqLemma{eng}{Tomato}{Thank you}
\newCJKfontfamily\jpfontsf{Noto Sans CJK JP}
\tqLemma{gla}{Chocolate}{Tapadh leibh}
\newfontfamily\tibetanfont{Noto Sans Tibetan}
\tqLemma{gle}{Tan}{Go raibh maith agaibh}
\tqLemma{vie}{LawnGreen}{Xin cảm ơn}
%% 3rd layer now...
\begin{scope}[start chain=inner circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*32.72-32.72:13em)}]
\tqLemma{tur}{Chocolate}{Teşekkür ederim}
\path[draw=gray,thick,shorten >=-2pt] (axis)
edge (eng)
edge (msa)
edge (kor)
edge (ell)
edge (hin)
edge (vie)
edge (gle)
edge (bod)
edge (gla)
edge (jpn)
edge (tha)
edge (por)
edge (deu)
edge (zho)
edge (ita)
edge (tam)
edge (rus)
edge (fra)
edge (ara)
edge (spa)
edge (qya)
edge (tlh)
edge (tur)
edge (hun);