% This a LaTeX template for a mood tracker, aimed at being
% 1. easy to use;
% 2. sort of cute.
% It was written by Níckolas Alves (alves-nickolas.github.io)
% For now, I focused more on functionality than on appearance. Perhaps future versions will be more adorable.
% Also, I thank Betânia C. T. Backes (https://github.com/b-backes) for the suggestion of allowing more than one mood on the same day. Hopefully future versions of this template will allow for more than two.
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article} % I wrote the design using a4paper, 10pt, but feel free to change. Large fonts or small paper sizes might squeeze the calendar too much, though
\usepackage[margin={2cm, 2.5cm}]{geometry}
%% some example colors (defined with package xcolor)
\newmood[lovely]{red}{PastelRed} % \newmood defines a new mood. The optional argument gives its name (used in the legend), the first mandatory argument gives its label and the second mandatory argument gives its color
\newmood[fortran programming]{gray}{PastelGray}
\moodday{2023-01-10}{red}[yellow] % \moodday tags the mood of a given day. Insert the day in the yyyy-mm-dd format and the mood label. An optional argument allows to add an extra mood for the same day (e.g. for AM/PM tracking)
\moodday{2023-02-26}{yellow}[red] % the order of the moods matter: the mandatory mood appears on the upper left, while the optional mood appears on the lower right
% \moodday and \newmood do not print anything to the actual page, so there is no need to write them in the document environment
\moodcalendar{2023-01-01}{2023-12-last} % \moodcalendar prints the mood-colored calendar from the initial date to the final date. Insert them in the yyyy-mm-dd format
\moodlegend % \moodlegend prints the color legend for the different moods defined. Moods will be inserted in here even if they were not used