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% Document Class Definition
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paper=A4, % paper size --> A4 is default in Germany
twoside=true, % onesite or twoside printing
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parskip=half, % spacing value / method for paragraphs
chapterprefix=true, % prefix for chapter marks
11pt, % font size
headings=normal, % size of headings
bibliography=totoc, % include bib in toc
listof=totoc, % include listof entries in toc
titlepage=on, % own page for each title page
captions=tableabove, % display table captions above the float env
chapterprefix=false, % do not display a prefix for chapters
appendixprefix=false, % but display a prefix for appendix chapter
draft=false, % value for draft version
\usepackage{enumitem} % Packed itemize
%\usepackage{layouts} % Just to print the layout of this document
% Please, remove in your version!
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% Setup YOUR master's thesis document in this file !
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% Document CONTENT
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% uncomment the following command to fill up pages with
% whitespace instead of aligning the first and last lines
% of a page (see \raggedbottom vs. \flushbottom)
% --------------------------
% rename document parts
% --------------------------
% > set short label names for floating environments figure and table
\renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{List.}% Listing -> List.
% > rename the title of the LOL, i.e. list of listings (default is "Listings")
\renewcommand*{\lstlistlistingname}{Listado de extractos de código}
% --------------------------
% Front matter
% --------------------------
\pagenumbering{roman} % roman page numbing (invisible for empty page style)
\pagestyle{empty} % no header or footers
\input{content/titlepages} % INCLUDE: all titlepages
\pagestyle{plain} % display just page numbers
\input{content/abstract} % INCLUDE: the abstracts (english and galician)
\input{content/acknowledgement} % INCLUDE: acknowledgement
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % define depth of toc --> 3
\tableofcontents % display table of contents
% --------------------------
% Body matter
% --------------------------
\pagenumbering{arabic} % arabic page numbering
\setcounter{page}{1} % set page counter
\pagestyle{scrheadings} % header and footer style
%% Uncomment the following lines using the \part command
%% to add part sections
%\part{Exemplo de parte}
\input{content/chapter-introduction} % INCLUDE: introduction
\input{content/chapter-related-work} % INCLUDE: related work
%\part{Exemplo doutra parte}
\input{content/chapter-system} % INCLUDE: system
\input{content/chapter-results} % INCLUDE: concepts
\input{content/chapter-conclusion} % INCLUDE: conclusion
% --------------------------
% Back matter
% --------------------------
\setlength{\bibitemsep}{0.5\baselineskip plus 0.5\baselineskip}
\input{content/chapter-appendix} % INCLUDE: appendix
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% End of Document CONTENT
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