%% Settings go in settings.tex
% \usepackage{changebar}
\department{Institutionen för datavetenskap}
\departmentenglish{Department of Computer and Information Science}
% If this is a thesis at the cognitive science study programme, use
% the "area" command to generate a proper (?) ISRN
% \area{KOGVET-A}
% Include an external supervisor on the cover page
% \externalsupervisor{Min företagshandledare}
\supervisor{Min handledare}
\examiner{Min examinator}
\titleenglish{A Concise and Interesting Title}
\subtitleenglish{with an Optional Subtitle}
\titleswedish{En himla bra svensk titel}
% Two authors
% \author{\parbox{\textwidth}{Ola Leifler\\
% Alexander Sanner}}