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\def\presentationtitle{Lindsey the Tour Guide Robot }
\author[N. Surname]{{Name Surname} \\*
{\footnotesize\faEnvelope \, \texttt{nsurname@lincoln.ac.uk}}
\institute{\faInstitution \, Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems, UoL, UK}
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%Fill the date or leave it blank to not display it
\date[L-CAS Away Day, Sept 2019]{\textbf{L-CAS away day}, somewhere in Lincoln,\\ September 2019}
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\begin{frame}[plain, noframenumbering]
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering]{Presentation Content}
\section{Project Overview}
\begin{frame}{The project}
\begin{block}{Lindsey the robot} % {block width} (coords)
Autonomous robot that gives guided tours and information to the public at The Collection Museum in Lincoln.
\begin{textblock*}{7.5cm}(5cm,3cm) % {block width} (coords)
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\begin{frame}{The project}
\begin{block}{Objectives} % {block width} (coords)
\item Learn to improve/adapt the robot social capabilities (its behaviors) from real world experience while interacting with museum visitors.
\item Increase the public engagement level when interacting with the robot.
\begin{block}{} % {block width} (coords)
{\tiny From: \emph{Lindsey the Tour Guide Robot-Usage Patterns in a Museum Long-Term Deployment. F Del Duchetto, P Baxter, M Hanheide. International Conference on Robot \& Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2019}}
\section{Usage Patterns in Long-Term Deployment}
\begin{frame}[shrink=5]{Robot Operations}
\begin{block}{Guided tours}
Lindsey guides the visitors through a sequence of 5/6 exhibits linked by a common theme, describing each of them verbally and with images.
\begin{block}{Go to exhibit and describe}
Lindsey guides the visitors to an exhibit chosen from the map and describes its content with two different difficulty level.
\begin{block}{Describe exhibit}
The robot gives a short verbal description of the exhibit requested by the visitor.
\begin{frame}[shrink=20]{Robot Framework}
\framesubtitle{Behaviors specification}
\begin{block}{Petri Net Plans}
\item Conditional plans made of \textbf{actions, conditions} and \textbf{Execution Rules}.
\item A PNP can be translated into a stochastic policy.
\begin{frame}[shrink=10]{Robot Framework}
\framesubtitle{Robot Management}
\begin{block}{User interface}
{\\\scriptsize \url{https://github.com/laurencejbelliott/roswebcomponents}}
\begin{block}{Management interface}
\begin{block}{Critical events notifications}
\begin{frame}[shrink=58]{Data Analysis}
\caption{Long-Term Autonomy metrics.}
{Days of operation} & 103 days \\ \hline
{Total distance travelled} & 299 km \\ \hline
{Total tasks completed} & 8423 \\ \hline
{TLS} & 26 days, 11 hours \\ \hline
{A\%} & 74\% \\ \hline
\caption{Number of user demanded tasks with their duration.}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Task}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Tot. demanded}} & \textbf{Average duration} & \textbf{Median duration} & \textbf{Shortest} & \textbf{Longest} \\ \hline
% \hline
\textit{{Guided tour}} & 2367 & 4.52 {[}min{]} & 3.13 {[}min{]} & 11 {[}sec{]} & 22.15 {[}min{]} \\ \hline
\textit{{Go to exhibit and describe}} & 2379 & 1.87 {[}min{]} & 1.84 {[}min{]} & 8 {[}sec{]} & 30.79 {[}min{]} \\ \hline
\textit{{Describe exhibit}} & 486 & 26.73 {[}sec{]} & 20.03 {[}sec{]} & 7.31 {[}sec{]} & 5.78 {[}min{]} \\ \hline
\begin{textblock*}{4.4cm}(5mm, 26.5mm)
{\footnotesize How the tasks ends?}\\
\begin{textblock*}{5cm}(75mm, 30mm)
{\footnotesize What's the tours duration?}\\
\begin{alertblock}{Engaged by the robot?}
Engagement is easily started with Lindsey, but it is typically lost after 2 minutes.
\begin{block}{How does a tour guide engage the public?}
{\tiny From: Katie Best. Making museum tours better: Understanding what a guided tour really is and what a tour guide really does.}
\item tours should not resemble monolithic lectures but they must be \textbf{interactive};
\item guides should facilitate \textbf{audience contribution} through questions and answers;
\item guides should seek to secure audience attention to inform and entertain them, encouraging them to \textbf{orient to the feature under consideration};
\item the audience should not be considerate as a whole but the guide must take into account features of the single people, \textbf{personalizing the experience};
\item technologists need to create non-human guides that have a similar level of \textbf{sensitivity to the audience} built-in.
\section{Current Work \& Outlook}
\begin{frame}{Learning from engagement level}
\begin{frame}{Engagement model}
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\movie[width=\linewidth, height=0.8\linewidth, poster, autostart, borderwidth=2pt, loop, open, repeat, showcontrols=true]{Video not found, or use Okular}{vids/1558875962476119995_annotations.mp4}
\item 3 Annotators
\item Continuous value for each frame in [0,1]
\item Inter-rater Spearman correlation $\rho$: 0.82
% \begin{block}{}
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\begin{block}{Model predictions}
\movie[width=\linewidth, height=0.8\linewidth, poster, autostart, borderwidth=2pt, loop, open, repeat, showcontrols=true]{Video not found, or use Okular}{vids/1558875962476119995_predictions.mp4}
\section*{The End}
\begin{frame}{Thank you for your attention!}
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\movie[width=7cm, height=5cm, poster, autostart, start=76s, duration=5s, borderwidth=2pt, open, loop, repeat, showcontrols=true]{Video not found, or use Okular}{vids/lindsey_video.mp4}
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