% -------------------------------------------------------
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PREAMBLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% -------------------------------------------------------
% double sided, necessary for page numbering and margins
\documentclass[twoside, 10pt]{report}
% -------------
% the usual
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage{amsmath} % maths
% -------------
% bibliography
% -------------
% set margins
\usepackage[papersize={169mm,239mm},top={15mm},left={18mm},right={36mm},bottom={30mm}, includehead, headheight={10pt},headsep={12.5mm}]{geometry}
% 1 pt is roughly 0.35 mm
% -------------
% for adjusting the headers
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ %
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove lines as well
% -------------
% refer by names of labels (might come in handy)
% use this for referring between external documents (such as chapters)
% this doesn't work well in overleaf as it
\newcommand*{\addFileDependency}[1]{% argument=file name and extension
\IfFileExists{#1}{}{\typeout{No file #1.}}
% -------------
% change fonts
% close to Georgia font
% rmdefault sets this as the default serif (roman) font
\usepackage[rmdefault, osf]{XCharter}
% close to Figtree font
% sfdefault sets this as the default sans serif font
% -------------
% just the good ol lorem ipsum
% -------------
% set new sans serif font as the title font for the sections, also set section title to bold size 12 etc
% -------------
% change font of list of tables, figures and table of contents
% add dots for chapters also in toc (in the guide it is lines, but I like dots)
\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for chapters
% -------------
% adjust all figure and table captions
% there was no clear guide on the indentation so I guessed
\captionsetup{font = {sf,footnotesize}, indention = 40pt} % why have they misspelled indentation...?
% -------------
% set higher depth in section numbering
% -------------
% to paste urls (optional of course)
% -------------
% change bibliography heading size
% -------------
% renew command so that chapter titles can be in headers
% -------------
% change the number of the footnote to not be superscripted
% when you make the footnote you have make it superscripted again in the text body
% -------------
% footnotes in footer according to graphical profile...
\fancyfoot[L]{\fontsize{7}{10}\sffamily{\noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}}\newline\footnotemark[#1] ~~#2}}}
% -------------
% change indentation length for new paragraphs etc
% -------------
% -------------------------------------------------------
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOCUMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% -------------------------------------------------------
% put your external documents here so that you can cross-reference between them
% finally the document begins ...
% -------------
% clear header and footer fields
% -------------
% blank page
% abstract extracted from abstract.tex file
% blank page
% preface from preface.tex
% blank page
% list of your papers from paperlist.tex
% blank page
% table of contents
% blank page
% list of tables (i have included these although they are not in the KTH guide)
% blank page
% list of figures
% -------------
% blank page
% start including chapters from separate .tex files (if you want to)
% make sure that the final part (future work, references etc) start on the right-hand page, like they do in this template.
% -------------
% blank page
% -------------
% blank page
% bibliography
\renewcommand\bibname{References} % put whatever you like here
% -------------
% blank page
% clear header and footer so that it doesn't say "References"
% personally, I didn't like that the references were after the papers in the graphical profile
% therefore, I'm putting the toc line here, and then I suppose the papers come in later
\chapter*{This is where the papers and their summaries will be.}
That is up to the printing service.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Summary of appended papers}