% http://www.idsc.ethz.ch/education/theses-semester-projects.html
% IDSC LaTeX Thesis Template
% Author(s): Eric Müller
% Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control
% Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
% Created: 2004/04/02 (Eric Mueller)
% Notes: Has been tested on Windows 7 + MikTeX + TeXnicCenter
% Revisions: 2009/05/29 (Soren Ebbesen)
% 2011/03/22 (Soren Ebbesen)
% 2013/03/08 (Soren Ebbesen)
% 2014/03/13 (Soren Ebbesen)
% ______________________________________________________________________________
\usepackage[english,st]{ethidsc} % Special IDSC styles and commands
% {german}/english: language of headings, etc.
% {st}/bt/mt: {semester}/bachelor/master thesis
% Page header (don't change)____________________________________________________
\setlength{\parindent}{0em} % Disable parindent
\rhead[\nouppercase{\rightmark}]{\thepage} % Special headings
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% Title page (please fill in)___________________________________________________
\title{\LaTeX\ Thesis Template v.1.4}
\studentA{Hans Muster}
%\studentB{Second Student}
\supervision{First Supervisor\\ Prof. Dr. Second Supervisor}
\date{March 2011}
\identification{IDSC-XX-YY-ZZ} % Project identifier
% Begin document________________________________________________________________
\maketitle % Create title page
% Preamble______________________________________________________________________
\pagenumbering{roman} % Begin roman page numbering (i,ii,...)
% Chapters______________________________________________________________________
\pagestyle{fancy} % Fancy headings
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Begin arabic page numbering (1,2,...)
% \input{}
% \cleardoublepage
% \input{}
% \cleardoublepage
% ...
% Appendix______________________________________________________________________
% Bibliography__________________________________________________________________
% Literature (Additional references can be added to the .bib-file manually, or by using, for example, the free application JabRef). Compile in the following order: latex -bibtex -latex -latex