% \title{Desktop Calendar (fits CD jewel case)}
%%% The calendars are printed 2-up to fit CD jewel cases,
%%% or 4-up to fit 3" floppy disk jewel cases. OR, now a
%%% full-blown "giant" version that prints full-page!
%%% Localisation possible with languages supported by
%%% babel/translator/datetime2.
%%% Use the sundayweek option for weeks to start on Sundays.
% \documentclass[12pt,british,sundayweek]{cdcalendar}
%% If using pdfLaTeX %%%%%%%%%%
%% End pdfLaTeX-related font settings %%%%%%%%
% %% Compile with xelatex if using fontspec
% \usepackage{fontspec}
% \setmainfont{Gentium}
% \setsansfont[BoldItalicFont=Fira Sans Italic,BoldFont=Fira Sans]{Fira Sans Light}
% %% End xelatex-related font settings %%%%%%%%
\tikzset{blue icon/.style={text=SkyBlue,font=\Large}}
\tikzset{pink icon/.style={text=Pink,font=\large}}
% Cover
\coverImage[\color{gray!50}Here are the actual printed calendars. The smaller calendar (9\,cm $\times$ 9.5\,cm) fits floppy disk jewel cases; while the bigger one (11.7\,cm $\times$ 13.65\,cm) fits CD jewel cases.]
\coverTitle[font=\fontsize{30pt}{32pt}\sffamily\bfseries,text=white,text width=\linewidth,align=flush right]{2024 Calendar}
% \makeCover
% \clearpage
% Some settings for the monthly calendars
% \captionStyle{font=\sffamily\itshape\tiny}
\monthTitleStyle{font={\fontsize{42pt}{42pt}\bfseries\sffamily}, text=RoyalBlue!40!white}
% Remove this line if you feel the background pattern is too annoying
% \TileWallPaper{.5\paperwidth}{.5\paperheight}{lightpaperfibers}
% You may find the gap between illustrations and events too narrow
% Use this length to increase it
% January 2020
[Happy TikZ animals! This is an optional description about the illustrations.]
%%% events must be given AFTER \begin{monthCalendar}
%%% Currently you must give events on the same page
%%% as the monthly calendar.
%% This is an one-day event
\event[mark style=holiday]{2024-01-01}{}{New Year's Day}
%% This is a 5-day event
\event[mark style=blue icon,marker=\faBriefcase]{2024-01-30}{5}{ACME Conference}
%% you could also write \event{2024-01-06}{2024-02-03}{ACME Conference}
% Feb 2020
% Or you can put any stuff, really, with a caption if you want:
\otherstuff[Fourier Transformation, one of the `math equations that changed the world'. \url{http://news.bitofnews.com/13-math-equations-that-changed-the-world/}]
\hat{f}(\xi) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} f(x) e^{-2\pi ix\xi} \mathop{dx}
%% Repeat the event if it spans two months
\event[mark style=blue icon,marker=\faBriefcase]{2024-01-30}{5}{ACME Conference}
\event[mark style=pink icon,marker=\faBirthdayCake]{2024-02-07}{}{Someone's birthday}
\event{2024-02-24}{}{Grant proposal deadline!!}