\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{report} % Single-sided printing for the library
% TOGGLE ON TO SEE PAGE MARGINS -- useful to check that your figures and tables don't go over the specified margins - HG 2018
% \usepackage[showframe]{geometry}
\usepackage[bf]{caption} % Make nice captions with bold "Figure..." and "Table..."
%package for the bu thesis format -- most commonly-used packages added in the style file by HG 2018
%define the frequent formulas shorthands for typing -- note that these do not appear as the function in "Rich Text" format in Overleaf, but rather as the "\shorthand"
% Setup commands for the bu thesis style file
\title{This is the final title for my dissertation}
\author{Joe Candidate}
% Type of document prepared for this degree:
% 2 = Doctor of Philosophy dissertation.
% 4 = Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus
% List your bachelors degree before your masters - HG 2018
\prevdegrees{BA in Mathematics, Undergrad College, 2008\\
MA in Biostatistics, Boston University, 2012}
\department{Department of Biostatistics}
\university{Boston University}
\faculty{Graduate School of Arts and Sciences}
% Degree year is the year the diploma is expected, and defense year is the year the dissertation is written up and defended. Often, these will be the same, except for January graduation, when your defense will be in the fall of year X, and your graduation will be in January of year X+1
% For each reader, specify appropriate label {First, second, third}, then name, then title. Warning: If you have more than five readers you are out of luck, because it will overflow to a new page. Sometimes you may wish to put part of the title in with the name
% Do NOT put the chair on your approval page - HG 2018
\reader{First}{Primary Advisor, MD MPH PhD}{Research Professor, Biostatistics}
\reader{Second}{Second reader, PhD}{Professor, Biostatistics}
\reader{Third}{Third reader, ScD}{Assistant Professor, Biostatistics}
\reader{Fourth}{Fourth reader, PhD}{Adjunct Professor, Biostatistics}
% The Major Professor is the same as the first reader, but must be specified again for the abstract page
% Just copy and paste the same information
\majorprof{Primary Advisor}{MD MPH PhD}
% other set up commands which are a good idea
%the bottom margins should be "as close as possible" to 1 inch, so allowdisplaybreaks is a good idea for theses with a lot of equations
% According to the BU guide the preliminary pages consist of: title, copyright (optional), approval, acknowledgments (opt.), abstract, preface (opt.), Table of contents, List of tables (if any), List of illustrations (if any). The \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, and \listoftables commands can be used in the appropriate places. For other things like preface, do it manually with something like \newpage\section*{Preface}.
% This is an additional page (do not hand it in at the library) to print boxed-in title, author and degree statement so that they are visible through the opening in BU covers used for reports. This makes a nicely bound copy.
% Make the titlepage based on the above information. If you need something special and can't use the standard form, you can specify the exact text of the titlepage yourself. Put it in a titlepage environment and leave blank lines where you want vertical space. The spaces will be adjusted to fill the entire page.
% The copyright page is blank except for the notice at the bottom. You must provide your name in capitals.
% Now include the approval page based on the readers information
This dissertation is dedicated to....
% Now you can include a preface. Again, use something like
% \newpage\section*{Preface} followed by your text
%remove the hyperlink colors for table of contents
filecolor=black, urlcolor=black}
% Table of contents comes after preface
% If you have tables this goes here - needs to be in appendix HG 2018
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
% If you have figures this goes here - needs to be in appendix HG 2018
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
% List of Abbrevs is NOT optional (PUT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)
% For mathematics a list of symbols is perhaps more appropriate, but fulfills the same role
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols and Abbreviations}
% the body of the thesis goes here.
% Quick references for some R packages used that I want in the bibliography
% Put your appendices inside here, to maintain figure and table listings. Make sure to use \section{appendixA} to have some numbering for figures and tables.
% The back matter
% If you don't write the journal names out in full in the bibliography then you need a list of journal abbreviations
% The bibliography itself can be single spaced with at least one extra space between items
% 1.8.1 Formatting the bibliography
% Include a complete bibliography at the end of the work. Arrange the bibliography alphabetically by the last name of the primary author. You may single-space citations, but leave one line of space between citations. If you use an article style format, where each chapter has its own separate bibliography, you must also include a cumulative bibliography at the end of the work.
% Verify any other requirements for formatting the bibliography at the end of the work. Certain disciplines/departments may require an alternate arrangement to the bibliography, for example, separating primary and secondary sources and then arranging each alphabetically by last name of author.
\Urlmuskip=0mu plus 1mu\relax % Don't let the website links get all funky and break the page margins
\bibliographystyle{apa-good} % technically, you need APA. This style file adds the URL to websites and the date accessed. NOTE: Mendeley API does not put the "date accessed" into the .bib file, so you may want to export directly - HG 2018
\bibliography{Thesis.bib} % keep this on, or you will get warnings about undefined citations
% Finally you must include your cv. You can do that whatever way you like including by formatting it in a totally different program.
% If you would like to grab it from some other source then be sure the page numbering is consecutive with the end of the bibliography and be sure it appears on the table of contents by adding a line such as
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Curriculum Vitae}
\chapter*{Curriculum Vitae}
\textbf{Your Name, MA}\\
Home Street \\ Town, MA 01010 \\ (800) 867 5309 \\ \hyperlink{mailto:personaladdress@gmail.com}{personaladdress@gmail.com}\\
Work office \\Boston University \\ Boston, MA 02118 \\\hyperlink{mailto:buemail@bu.edu}{buemail@bu.edu}\\}
\subsection*{Academic Training:}
05/2018\small(expected) & PhD Boston University, Boston, MA; Biostatistics\\
05/2012 & MA Boston University, Boston, MA; Biostatistics \\
05/2008 & BA Undergrad College, Undergradville, US; Mathematics \\
\subsection*{Doctoral Research:}
\textbf{Title}: & Put your dissertation title \\
\textbf{Thesis advisor}: & Primary Advisor, MD MPH PhD\\
\textbf{Defense date}: & April 4, 2018 \\
\textbf{Summary}: & A few sentences of summary \\
\subsection*{Original, Peer Reviewed Publications (newest first):}
% Make sure to be consistent with your CV bibliographic info formatting
\item Other authors, \underline{Your name}, More Authors. Title of the most recent article published. \emph{Journal where published}. 2018 May 15. doi: 10.1093/xxx. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed ID: \hyperlink{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/XXX}{XXX}.
\item John Famous and Example Student. \emph{A special case of a well known conjecture}. Fancy Math. J. \textbf{46} no. 3 (2007), 473-490.